Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Denial is a state of being where reality is not accepted. Even when brought to Truth, it's refused because Ego uses what you see to trick you into believing it is real and not Truth (reality.)  Ego has you convinced because nations have been in conflict over Peace from the "biblical days",  that alone is enough reason to expect it to always be that way! Sad.

Confusion comes when you've shifted your focus from God (Who is the One and Only in control at all times) to your life situation which explains your anger, bitterness, depression, worry, hopelessness, shame, guilt, hate, arrogance, ignorance, impatience, disrespect, anxiety, etc. Because you are a Spirit Being,  you already know the Truth that's why you recognize it by saying "I agree with you 100% but." Ignorance is lack of knowledge. Denial is refusing to accept Truth despite recognizing it for what it is yet choosing to continue to believe in what makes no sense because "that's how it's been for thousands of years." 

You can save yourself from further pain and suffering by allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you and show you all of what you were taught, is made up. Despite what the majority think, being born into the physical world does not justify anything, i.e., "we're not perfect, we're only human." Please do not continue to let the fact that because you're temporarily in a physical form (body), you accept what Ego taught you. Ego needs you to believe this in order to keep your mind separate from others which is how it stays weak. Being of One mind is Ego's worst nightmare since it needs to maintain conflict and war to prevent you from remembering who you are; of One Body (God) , a Spiritual Being and here but for a moment.

Remember Who God is and the fact that your one and only purpose on this planet is honor Him. This is done by living according to His Will not yours and no longer will you go back to knowing what makes no sense yet choosing to believe it anyway because you've forgotten who you are. If this world is a stage and we (human beings) all have a part as actors in this production, if you don't know your role you'll continue to stumble in the dark through Life in fear, confusion, depression, etc.

Take your place on this stage and know your role. Do not create your own play because you refuse to accept reality for what it is, searching for what you'll never find (Peace) because it can't be found!  Follow the path Holy Spirit has you on and you'll never have to defend what you know makes no sense to begin with (race, religion, etc.) because with God there are no "buts" about it! Peace

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