Sunday, April 19, 2015

What is your motivation?

If money is your motivation, you'll find happiness but you'll never find Joy. "Money doesn't buy happiness" needs to be corrected to "Money doesn't buy Joy."  If money were of God, as Love, Joy,  Truth and Peace are, you would know there is more than enough for everyone which will then eliminate greed, jealousy, envy, deceit, war, murder, etc. 

Because money is of the world (Ego's world) and you're caught up in it, it becomes your motivation for any and everything. Money is what Ego uses to distract and trick you into believing money is power, which explains how money changes people. Please know this is simply because you've forgotten who you are and as a result, Ego has taken over and demands your soul as payment. Being from God, taking your Soul is impossible which is why Ego settles for your mind. Ego uses Fear to take over your mind then tricks you into believing money is the solution to all problem. Because Ego know not of Truth, "more money more problems!" Because you don't remember who you are or Who's you are, the decisions you make decisions are from Ego's perspective and this is what it means to "gain the world and lose your soul."

When (and only then) you invite the Holy Spirit, will you see (by experience) what Power is. Because Power is of God, money is not to be your motivating factor, God is! That which is of God (and God alone) Truth, Peace, Love, Joy is what ought to motivate and inspire you. Being of God, they are eternal, meaning, they never change, can never be replaced, they are priceless - no amount of money in the world can give you these and there is nothing you can do or have to do to get them. When God created you, He created you with ALL of those things in you, you just forgot!

Don't waste your precious life chasing what is worthless in the end while missing what's priceless right now! Allow the Holy Spirit to motivate you and you will experience the hand of God at work in your life. Peace

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