Thursday, October 24, 2019

Unconditional LOVE

Because only LOVE is Real, it is what it is in spite of any/all conditions. Because only LOVE is Real, there is not one circumstance(s) that has ever, can ever or will ever change LOVE. Considering nothing Real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists - except, of course what's made up in the mind, it is only LOVE that stands the tests of Time. LOVE does not change.
What changes are feelings/emotions depending on any given day and/or situation. More often than not, the emotion referred to as LOVE is confused with and taken for as the Spirit of LOVE which is, in spite of any/all conditions. The problem occurs when conditions, requirements, expectations, etc., are not met, its assumed LOVE has changed when in fact LOVE has nothing to do with conditions, requirements, expectations, etc. LOVE is unconditional.  
It is ego that cowers behind feelings and when disappointed, lashes out because its expectations were not met, yet blames it on LOVE declaring "LOVE hurts!" Choose to remember, YOU are LOVE. Every human BEing is LOVE temporarily expressing itself in physical form including all of fears disguises. Unless/until this is remembered, chaos and confusion will continue to be the problem left to deal with after decisions are made lost in emotion(s) ex., anger, resentment, envy, etc. All of which come from fear. The root cause of fear? Ego.
Set yourself free from any/all else and reclaim your Power (LOVE) by choosing to not take anything personal. Everything happens for a reason and that reason is always and only to learn the lesson it presents itself to teach. Otherwise, that opportunity will be missed leaving a higher chance of failing to learn that time. Because history has a way of repeating itself, you better believe it will be back in some form or another. This has continued and will continue until the lesson "LOVE IS in spite of any/all conditions" is completely understood.
It is at this point, when WE begin to live - in action - by BEing unconditional LOVE that WE aka LOVE will experience Peace of mind thus Peace on Earth. Peace  

Friday, October 11, 2019

You ARE...

Because only LOVE is Real, everything else is made up which explains why it doesn’t last. Unless and until we remember the essence/spirit of our True nature (LOVE) we will continue to miss the entire point of Life which by the way is eternal. Death is the end of birth, not the end of Life. Life has no end. Life is eternal. Everything else is temporary!

Choose to remember this and suffering will be something of the Past. Circumstances present themselves for the sole purpose of teaching a lesson. That lesson is always to remember You Are Not In Control. The solution to all problems are always found when given the Time to BE still and ask “What am I to learn from this?”. Otherwise ego will take over and assume position to now need answers to “Why is this happening to me?”. 

Remember, WE (mankind) are a reflection of LOVE. The closer we stay to the Power within (LOVE) by staying grounded, the clearer the reflection of LOVE is both seen and experienced by others - often times without words exchanged. 

Because only LOVE is Real, there is nothing to fear. Recognize the Power of LOVE within and choose to allow LOVE to guide every step of this temporary physical body by reminding you because only LOVE is Real, there is nothing to fear hence no reason to protect/defend yourself. Truth needs no defense, weakness does. 

For clarification, the term LOVE here is not referring to the emotion/feeling which changes due to circumstance, time, etc., where the nature/spirit of ALL of mankind is LOVE. And LOVE has never and will never change. The further away the mind is dragged (by ego) from this Truth, the blurrier both the reflection and the vision will seem.

BE Still. BE authentically YOU (LOVE) and you’ll never regret that decision. Peace

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Stay Grounded.

Because the essence of our True nature (LOVE) has been forgotten, WE (human beings) suffer unnecessarily. Unless/until we remember, WE (the entire human race) are LOVE at the very core of our BEing, fear will continue to be the root cause of all the turmoil we face. Look closely and you find ego behind it all. 

BE humble and not take anything personally but choose rather to recognize a call for LOVE in spite of the disguise it presents itself (ex. anger, jealousy, resentment, etc.). Otherwise ego will once again gain control to cause/maintain chaos and conflict. 

Because only LOVE is Real, ego uses every opportunity to separate/isolate to sow its seed (fear). This can only happen when the mind is lost either in the Past or in the Future - two periods of Time that do not exist

Presence, BEing in the moment (NOW) is where/how the Power of LOVE is accessed. The NOW has always been and will always be where forgiveness is seen as the key to unlock unnecessary pain and how the past is released and healing begins. 

BE still, like trees. Stay Grounded and Bend so to not Break! Peace