Thursday, April 6, 2017

Victory does not bring Peace.

To be victorious, another has to lose. Because loss holds ill will and resentment as well as defeat, there is no room for Peace. 

Peace comes only as a result of everyone BEing in agreement - in one accord. To BE in agreement, the willingness to accept what is, is required. To think otherwise is simply ego's belief in "every man for him/herself." 

This way of thinking is how fear takes over which breeds attack, greed, selfishness, dishonesty and...well  the list goes on and on. "Every man for him/herself" secures isolation and separation - ego's most effective method of "divide and conquer." 

Unless and until efforts made are to benefit ALL, expecting nothing (not even a "thank you") in return, ego will continue to be the reason there is no Peace. Because there is separation in Victory, there is always room for hostility, envy and/or resentment from the one at a loss.  

Choose to remember nothing Real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Meaning because only LOVE is Real everything else is made up (by ego). Peace comes instantly the moment this fact is realized through the willingness/choice to accept what is. This realization is what brings Clarity.  Clarity brings Calm considering what is made clear eliminates confusion which comes from fear. 

Be still. You are LOVE. Say YES to Life by accepting what is. It is at this point the correct and best answer to any/all questions and/or prayer requests will be found and Peace will be reestablished. Peace