Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I tried my best!

Because God created Man to live in Peace, there is no way you can say "I tried my best" and believe this is what it takes for you to walk away, in Peace. There is no Peace in walking away from anything or anyone.
Because God IS Peace, there is absolutely no way He would give you directions to Peace as well as an alternate route in case you don't make it. There are no alternatives in God - there is only ONE way, ONE truth and ONE life!
To say "I tried my best" is going on your own strength, which clearly wasn't enough to accomplish your goals, hence your reason for walking away. You justify your feelings and/or actions by going as far as to say "God told me to walk away." God could never do such a thing because that would mean His original plan of Peace was a failure and so telling you its ok to walk away would be another way of accepting your failure. REALLY?!?!
This is the Ego's way of thinking and you must see it for nothing other than that. It occurs the moment you see another as a threat. At this point the Ego has pulled the wool over your eyes and is holding you hostage. You are no longer in control of how you feel, what you say and/or do because from this point, every decision made is from emotion (where logic does not exist.)
Only in knowing who you are is when you'll remember who your brother is, despite the disguises. If you've reached the point where you want to walk away because "you've tried your best", its because you can't see God in him/her. How could you walk away if you did? The only way you'll be able to see God in anyone is through the eyes of the Holy Spirit who has 20/20 vision. For humans, hindsight is 20/20!

Don't let the Ego continue to confuse you into believing when you feel you tried your best, God says its ok to walk away. God walks away from no one and would never tell you its ok. Choose rather to be led by the Holy Spirit Who will show you there is no threat and so no reason to walk away. When you've tried your best and haven't gotten to peace, know that's because your strength won't get you very far and if the Ego is running your life, you won't get anywhere at all which is why you're ready to walk away. Remember "ALL things are possible through Christ who strengthens me" and you'll accomplish your goal which is God's goal - Peace.


Whenever more time is spent in the past, replaying what you refuse to accept, you are wasting time and causing yourself unnecessary pain. If you accepted what can never be undone, there would be no need for you to relive it in your mind. Instead, you replay it again and again and recreate difference scenarios of what you would do or say if you got a "do over" (as if that would ever happen), all because you haven't accepted what is. Since a do over can never happen, you're wasting time dwelling over what's already done and gone forever and there is nothing you can do about it. Understanding that, is the beginning to the road to recovery and healing.
The Holy Spirit is our comfort because only with the Holy Spirit do you realize what's done in the past doesn't matter now. Being that only the Holy Spirit shows you what truth is, (remember the Ego disguises truth), He also shows you what you wont let go of is the very thing that's keeping you in bondage. Let the Holy Spirit comfort you by reminding you of what IS real because you're clearly confused. 
What's NOT real is any/everything made up so you feel better about your current situation - its called denial, in the form of lying, stealing, cheating. etc. You make these up and then believe them to be true so you feel better about yourself because you don't know who you are. If you did, you couldn't feel better about yourself!!

If you have to make something up its because you would (obviously) prefer to not deal with reality and thus hopefully sleep better. Having an affair, cross dressing, Priests molesting children, hoarders, etc., are all forms of living in secrecy/fantasy. They're made up and believed to be true, even for a short while, or maybe a long while, but at one point or another, the mirror of denial comes crashing down into hundreds of pieces. Its at this pivotal moment where you will see reality for what it is rather than the fantasy you made.

ONLY at this point are you capable of inviting the Holy Spirit to comfort you as you face reality because there is NO WAY you'll be able to do it alone. You've been gone so long, you don't even recognize reality for what it is which is why you need the Holy Spirit to comfort you. Otherwise the pain, regret, shame, etc., will seem too much for you to bare and because you don't know who you are, you'll choose death (suicide) over trying to pick up the pieces.

Let the Holy Spirit comfort you as you surrender and give it to God so He can exchange your pieces of nothingness for His peace of mind. Peace

Monday, December 29, 2014

I Have Arrived!

Because I know who I am and who's I am, I don't think the way I used to. I've forgotten who is in charge here, I mean God is the one in control wouldn't you say? That being a fact, I put my entire life in His hands, as if that's not exactly where everyone else's life is. They too, those who've forgotten, just need to be reminded. 

Because I no longer associate myself with the Ego, who's sole purpose is to cause pain and suffering in order to exist, my relationships are changing for good because God is good. The Ego is the reason we have "stuff" and I now know none of it matters. You see, it's all a test (Life) to see if you know who you are and who's you are.  Because I know this, I have arrived to fulfill my purpose in life which is to give you this very message.

It's only when you recognize who you are (not who you want to be or should be by Man's standards) is when you will arrive to be led by the Holy Spirit to fulfill your purpose which is the same as mine -  our life purpose is not different from each other. God did not create Man to become successful or  famous. Because of who He is, there is nothing to ever need or want. God created man to honor him and live together in peace. I mean how could you honor God and have even one enemy?

When you know who you are and who's you are, the Holy Spirit will remind you of who your neighbor, spouse, child(ren), coworker, teacher, employer/ee, roommate, stranger, etc., is. It's when you're living your purpose is when you've come to know God. 

By understanding and knowing who you are and who's you are, you will arrive to let the Holy Spirit show you none of this "stuff" matters. The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to show you your purpose. Allow the Holy Spirit to show you what the Ego made up (religion, racism, sexism, politics, class ism, etc.)  is not true. Only what God creates is true because its created to last for ever. Trust that because God is ALWAYS in control, He knows what He's doing because He doesn't make mistakes!

You are a creation of God and there is none like you. Understand your sole (God given) purpose is to show God in you, that's the reason He created you in His image! Know this and you'll arrive to fulfill your purpose and show everyone you come in contact with who you are and who's you are and by doing so will show others who they are and who's they are.

What a day that will be when we all arrive together! Peace.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Use Me

In order to be used, one has to allow the other to take control.

When the Ego is running your Life, you have (subconsciously - just below the level of consciousness) unconsciously (- not conscious; lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception as if asleep or dead) given up your control. Because of this, you will continuously feel like you're being used.

When asked for something, your first reaction is No. That's because the Ego knows it has to hold on to everything because its time is limited. While in its position (causing drama) it has you believing you already don't have enough for yourself. It keeps you locked in a world of lack and scarcity (hence the overtly greedy and the prevalence of poverty in this country alone.)  It completely blocks your mind from remembering that you are God's child. It knows the minute you remember that, all your needs and wants are no more because you place your Faith back in God's hands. You'll  remember he's in control and God could never and would never hurt or deceive you because he created you out of Love. 

The Ego however puts Fear in you (through religion) and has you believing you if don't follow these rules, and pray the "correct" way, you'll go to the fiery pit of Hell. Really People?!?!! Is this what we're teaching our children what God's love is???

Anyway, I digress, that's about another subject I posted. It's called....RELIGION. I REdigress!
The ONLY way to be used is by God. Remember, to be used is to ALLOW one to take control. The Ego doesn't wait for you to allow it to take over, you would never allow that. It waits for you lose focus by focusing on what doesn't matter! You have to be conscious to make sound decisions or else the Ego has taken over and is running and ruining your life!

It takes over in the blink of an eye and BAM! you've forgotten who you are. Yep, that simple slip up is what causes gossip, drama, conflict, arguments, bullying, fights, WAR. Over what? Nothing! Because NONE of it makes any sense! Why? Because the Ego made it up NOT God.

To be used by God is to allow the Holy Spirit to take the blind folds off your eyes to show you its all made up. To be used by God is to let go so the Holy Spirit can do its work in you. What God creates is ALWAYS perfect because there is only one of you. God leaves nothing undone so there is no work left to be done in you.  

Give to God the stuff the Ego made up so God can use you for the purpose He created you. He created you to show Himself in you that's why He created you in his image. His image is universal because Love is universal and God IS Love.

Let the one who created man kind and only one of  you, use you. You can rest, assured that he knows what he's doing. The Ego has no idea what it's doing and doesn't care, look at the state of the world people! Are we going to stay in denial and say this is God's plan??? As if God could create such a mess? How ridiculous!!!

Volunteer to let the Holy Spirit guide you - it won't and can't impose itself on you. That's a form of attack and the Holy Spirit never attacks. Once you're guided by the Holy Spirit you'll be able to see  reality for what it is rather than how the Ego sees it or wishes it to be. It's at that vulnerable point by putting it ALL in God's hands will you be at Peace because you know you're in good hands. You know, the ones that created you?

Let God, the one that created you, use you to bless others. Being a blessing to others is how you show God in you. When you have God in you, you're able to see God in your brother. Remember, we are one of a kind, the SAME kind, ONE race, the Human race. Peace

Saturday, December 27, 2014


A Therapist once told me her phone stars ringing off the hook immediately after the Holidays. Who's feelings got hurt, who was reminded of their past by how they were welcomed (or UNwelcomed) , who was left alone during the most festive time of year, blah, blah, blah.

The Holidays should be a fun time of when you get together with loved ones you don't get to see often. Instead it's become one of, if not, THE most stressful times of the year. Because your issues have not been dealt with, either because of denial or unforgiveness, you are faced with it every Holiday. That is until you decide to never deal with anything and become a recluse. 

Don't allow fear to stop you from addressing your issues. If your intention is to bring peace, then your words and actions will match that goal. If, however you haven't even asked yourself the question, "would I prefer peace over being right?", your Ego will answer for you because it already knows what your answer would be and its not happy! Now do understand why the Ego is so insecure?

It's only when you have the Holy Spirit as your guide will you see there was never really anything there but a thin veil the Ego had you believing was a steel wall. Allow the Holy Spirit to show you your power which is His power. With His power, you can soften the hardest heart by looking beyond the Ego to see God in him/her. Only the Holy Spirit has the ability to show you God in anyone and everyone. The Ego can not exist in God's presence which is precisley why it does everything it possibly can to cloud  your vision and make you believe in what's not there. 

The Holy Spirit's one and only purpose is to peel the film off your eyes so you can see once and for all what you thought was an issue was really nothing. Ego has nothing give you put pain and suffering because that is what it needs to exist. 

Use this time now to bring peace by asking the Holy Spirit to use the most stressful time of year to bring what the Holidays is really about - Peace on Earth! Peace


Ah! Ha! I knew that word would grab your attention! Let me guess, you want to get another's perspective on what submit means.

Most (too many) reject that word because they think it means to bow down to another. "And you no that ain't gonna happen!" This is the typical response from both men and women. This way of thinking is precisely what it takes for conflict to show up in an argument about absolutely nothing. This is the Ego's way of thinking NOT yours but this is exactly what happens when you give it your power - HELLO!!!

To submit is to step back NOT bow down. You need the Holy Spirit to submit because the Ego will NEVER submit (it doesn't know what that is.) The Holy Spirit holds you back while the Ego jumps in first! Let the Holy Spirit do its work in you and watch the miracles happen before your very eyes. The Holy Spirit will show you its just the Ego in survival mode.
Arguments happen because the Ego is always desperate and paranoid. Desperate to exist because it knows at some point you'll figure out the truth about it. Paranoid because its afraid that moment can happen at any moment! The truth about the Ego is its NOT here to protect you, no matter how hard it tries to convince you otherwise. Its sole purpose is to create conflict in order to maintain its existence and will do anything to anyone to (especially you) because its loyal to no one and no thing.
Arguments are one of its last tricks to stay in the game. Once that's done, it will savagely attack you because there is nothing left. It leaves you on the other hand with a huge mess to deal with. If you haven't learned from that lesson by asking the Holy Spirit to take over (because you're tapped out!), you'll continue to give the Ego your power. Because the Ego is smarter than you think it is - um, excuse me but do we need to rehash how many times the Ego showed its Ass? Remember, it gets its power from you (because it has none) the minute you see your brother as a threat.
The Holy Spirit tells you to submit because what is the point in arguing over what makes no sense to begin with. Because the Ego is ALWAYS the first to start an argument, and remember the Ego makes no sense because it has none, chances are what you're arguing about makes no sense either. Because the Holy Spirit never argues, take back your power! How? SUBMIT - and watch it all melt away. How do you submit? Keep your mouth shut. Yes, I said it! SHUT UP! Ask yourself, "do you want to be right or do you want peace?" When you do that, the Ego has no one to argue with and so there is your solution - its called PEACE.
Now that you know the truth about Ego, and know the Holy Spirit is the ONLY one that can take you to where you'll find peace, SUBMIT and enjoy the journey called Life!

Friday, December 26, 2014


You were taught to believe, worship and pray a particular way and was taught that your religion is the right religion because God said so. How can that make sense when Man made religion, NOT God?

You go to your Temples, Synoguges, Churches, Kingdom Halls, Mosques, etc. to pray to God, Adonai, Allah, Jehovah, Yaweh, (whatever other name you use) and beg him for his mercy but then come right out and continue to treat others like shit. How in God's good name does that work? It doesn't now, does it? If it did, you wouldn't continuously feel the need to beg God for his mercy. 

You need his Mercy because you continue to make the wrong choice every time you panic. You beg for Mercy because you continue to react rather than ask the Holy Spirit to guide and counsel you. God's Mercy is the only thing that saves you from yourself because you don't know what you're doing but He ALWAYS does. 

What you don't know is the self you're associating with is the Ego which is ALWAYS the reason you need to beg for Mercy. If it weren't for you giving the Ego your power, (it has no power other than yours) you wouldn't need Mercy which is leniency and compassion shown toward offenders. The Ego is always the offender because the Holy Spirit never offends.

Sure, practice your religion but also practice the golden rule which is the basic foundation of all religions "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  God stands behind that because that is what brings Peace and God is Peace - religion on the other hand brings war. Peace

Where you'll meet God.

Most people believe you'll meet God if/when you get to heaven. So in anticipation you try to do more right than wrong, at least when you're being watched, so you can feel better about your chances of being granted into heaven.

You spend everyday however in constant fear of how you're going to pay your bills. You spend every night wide awake replaying your miserable state terrified to fall asleep because of the nightmares that await you. This explains why you're always on edge. Anything at any point is what it will take for to loose your shit.

Yet you're holding on by your fingernails praying to God for his mercy. If you knew God you would know he would never harm you or let harm come your way. You are the one who chooses to worry about what's not in your control anyway. 

The bible says do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own. This means take your mind out of tomorrow and trust that God knows what he's saying because he knows what's he's doing because he's the one in control, not you.

You're told this by others to encourage you but they're not completely convinced either because they know exactly how you feel. They worry just as much as you do, if not more. You're hanging on because you say you believe one thing yet do the other. You can't say you have faith and still worry. It's a contradiction, it's either one or the other. There is no compromise in God.

You meet God when there is nothing left to hold onto and you surrender because you have no other choice. Chances are, if there were something, anything else, you would cling on in hopes it will save you from your inner most fears. 

You'll meet God the moment you realize he is in control. You can let it all fall away by knowing he will never hurt or deceive you. Any pain or suffering you go through is brought on by yourself because you made the wrong choice. This doesn't mean you won't feel sorrow, anger, stress, etc., it means because you will have those feelings, you ought to give them to God and not hold on to them because they are precisely what blocks you from meeting God. 

You'll meet God when you have nothing left to hold onto. You'll meet God the instant you realize He's the one in control and because it is Him that's in control, how could there be anything  to worry about?

You'll meet God when you choose peace over your "stuff." You'll meet Him because the Holy Spirit is the gap that bridges you to God. You don't have to wait until you go to heaven. Go now, He's waiting for you to give him your stuff so he can exchange it for His peace. Peace

Thursday, December 25, 2014

It's as simple as that!

Peace comes the minute you let go of the grudge(s.) First, lets be clear on what a "grudge" is - a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation.
Because the ego is hurt and offended by another, it will hold that offense up front and center so you never forget. This is the ego's way of protecting you. This is how the ego thinks because otherwise it wouldn't exist and it know this. Why do you think it behaves and reacts so irrationally? It needs conflict to exist and its purpose is to make conflict to continue to exist.
What you forgot is you are NOT your ego. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. Your human experiences are called LIFE. Life is a test to see if you know who you are. Who you are is a creation of God, created to live together in peace.
As long as the ego is the leader, you will continue to live in fear, pain and suffering. Remember the ego's only purpose is to make drama in order to exist. It doesn't care who is left with its bruises and/or scars, it will do anything to anyone.
Knowing this and how foolish you feel after the ego got what it needed, you're left picking  up the  pieces. That's if the ego hasn't convinced you that your actions are warranted. You're confused because you're angry and hurt. Angry because you're hurt and hurt because you feel betrayed.
Its ONLY by forgetting the "debts" however is when you choose peace BY letting go of the grudge. You may think in your mind that  you've forgiven or let go of the grudge but your actions will always tell the truth. Your  body listens to what the mind tells it to do. Whenever the mind is conflicted, your mouth says one thing and your actions say another.
When led by the Holy Spirit is the only time your life will be in peace and not in pieces. The Holy Spirit erases all of what the ego told you never to forget because the Holy Spirit doesn't keep track of the past, that's what the ego has to do in order to exist yet leaves you with the residue (regret, pain, shame, anger, fear, etc.)
Let the Holy Spirit cleans your mind. He'll show you to see beyond the ego. Its just a fluff away because it has no substance, no foundation. What it consists of is all made up, self made no less. Let the Holy Spirit shine its light through  you and you'll watch the ego disappear right before your very eyes.

Because the Holy Spirit doesn't hold grudges, it will release you of the ones you're holding on to and show you the weight you're carrying around in anger, resentment, pain, etc., weighs nothing because it is nothing.

The ego gives hurt and offenses meaning because it needs to hold on to them in order to exist. You on the other hand mustn't give meaning to anything that doesn't already have meaning.  This way you won't continue to believe what is not true. The one and only thing that is true is the love of God. We (God's creations) are the only ones that can show His love to one another. Any other love is not Love because only His love is free from grudges and free of grudges.

Let go of the grudge and you'll feel "a weight being lifted off" your shoulders. It weighs nothing because it is nothing - don't give the ego a chance to make it into something. Its all a test! Remember  that and you'll realize lessons are necessary as long as you continue to see what's not there because the ego has you believing what's not true. It's as simple as that! Peace.


Monday, December 22, 2014



Looking at the state of affairs in this country, it's quite apparent we are set back fifty years! Listen to the conversations, some whispered because they're exposing their most inner thoughts and beliefs. If this were not so, we wouldn't be in an "Eye for an eye" mentality. If we continue on this path, this country will be blind and who then will lead the world?

The thought of us being able to work this out just seems impossible. "It's gone too deep", you say, "irreconcilable!" You are disheartened and feel lost. You ask "why does this continue to happen?" You go to God for answers but don't stay to listen for his answer. Instead you choose to live in fear because you lost total faith in man and so have lost total faith in God.

How will anything change if you don't believe it's possible? Your faith in God is precisely what it takes for change to happen. Its ONLY by letting go of the pain, hurt, disappointment, resentment, anger, revenge, etc., is when PEACE will be amongst us.
It may seem like a task too big to accomplish however that very way of thinking is what needs to change. Choose to place those thoughts in God's hands and trust that by doing so, he'll exchange them for Peace. Understand, you MUST let go of the pain in order to get Peace - you can not have both simultaneously.
The work is not as difficult as you think it is, in fact its quite simple - just put it down. You're afraid if you let go you'll forget. You certainly wont let that happen because then its likely to happen again, as if remembering would stop it from happening again. The ONLY thing that prevents pain and suffering is YOU! God doesn't cause pain or suffering. The fact that you think He does is what keeps you from trusting him with every single detail of your life, as if he's not the one in control of every detail of your life - how arrogant.
The only work you're required to do is stay present in your mind. Its quite a task for those that think they'll accomplish it on their own. Please do not waste time battling every thought in your mind, you'll end up losing it and that's what we're trying to avoid! Acting out those thoughts are what got us exactly where we are today.
Your work is to give over to God every feeling/thought of panic, anxiety, despair, anger, hurt, etc., and you'll not only immediately begin to feel lighter, you'll begin to see things change for the better because that is the ONLY way we'll ever have peace of mind. Teach this because you know its true and you'll see those around you change too. You have to be peace to teach peace and that alone comes from God, there is no other way to get it so get to work!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

What Do You Expect?!?

Why are you shocked??? Isn't it evident (take a look at the past) the solution hasn't been found?
Until it's CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD, the past will continue to look exactly the same as it does today because your way of thinking hasn't changed. To expect a different result to come from the same way of thinking (which is consistent in its results) is called INSANITY.

Two police officers executed because they are police officers is INSANITY. Please do not try to make sense of this. You will waste your time because there is no sense in insanity. For Activists, Reverends, Community Leaders, Mayors, Police Chiefs, etc. to come together to try and find a solution is to try and find God.

That is impossible. There is no need to find a solution because the solution was always there. It's here now and it'll always be, because of who God is. The one and ONLY solution is this! God created man (meaning ALL.) All is singular meaning the sum of ONE. ONE meaning we are the same. You are no different from me and I am no different from you because I am you and you are me. We are the same - the human race PERIOD.

Because this has yet to be learned once and for all, do not expect anything different. Young boys and girls will continue to expect their future to continue to look like this because adults (leaders of our children) can't seem to learn this lesson in order to teach it to our youth. This message starts with you first! Now that you know better, do better by living better. Your new way of thinking will change your life and so change the life of others because you lead by example.

"When I was a child, I thought like a child, I spoke like a child and I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish things behind me." Meaning children only know what they know, they also think they know everything else. It's only when they're faced with the truth is when they're made aware. You just have to bring them to their closet (or under their bed) to show them, by turning on the light (truth) that what they thought they were afraid of was nothing to begin with!

By realizing the truth of who you are is when you'll come to know who God is. ONLY then can we expect Love and Peace from God rather than more disaster, hatred and pain from the world. Here's the kicker, the world didn't do this to us, we did it to ourselves so what else do you expect?

Let's stop the nonsense and understand another person does not have to die for us to learn the lesson here. The lesson is THIS IS A TEST, all life situations are a test of your faith in God. If you have none you'll continue to go through trying times because you don't remember God is in control. You must understand that we ALL are a spiritual being having a human experience (like Jesus did) on earth. Hence our shell (body) returning to dust. 

What do you expect when you believe that because we look different we are different? You believe because we're different, we can not trust one another. Because we don't trust each other, we fear each other and is always ready and willing to attack and/or kill. What do you expect?!?!?

Know this is not true and you've passed the test and so will have Peace on Earth. PEACE

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Divorce (HOT TOPIC!!!)

When vows are exchanged before God (and man), it's value is priceless because God is the overseer of marriage.

Every marriage is tested at one point or another. Some marriages are tested constantly. At some point however the question "Do you want to save your marriage?" must be asked and answered.

Because God created marriage, divorce is NEVER God's solution to any marital problem(s). God would not have created marriage if He didn't intend for it to last for ever. Any/All things made by human beings are temporary because we are not capable of creating anything that will last for ever. Because God does not operate in time, everything He does holds true yesterday, today and for EVER.
Because God is the overseer of marriage, the ONLY way a marriage will escape divorce is to place it back in the hands that created it. Any/all attempts to "fix" it or "forget" it is futile yet extremely dangerous because this shows your decisions are made from arrogance and ignorance.

Arrogance because your Ego has you foolishly believing you have the right to break the contract you made with God because you've been wronged. God gave us the Holy Spirit not because he needs help but because we do! And because He sent us the only alternative to anything/everything ever made by human beings, divorce is thus NEVER the answer, the Holy Spirit on the other hand ALWAYS is.

Ignorance because you don't know the pain and suffering you're living with will cease the instant you realize you are not in control. By surrendering your will back to God (you're the one who left, He's ALWAYS here) you will remember "ALL things are possible through Christ who strengthens me."

When invited to lead, the Holy Spirit will show you even the worst offenses are wiped clean and are as white as snow because it keeps no records or holds grudges. The Holy Spirit will show you all the time you've wasted holding on to what's not there. Yet divorce is the exact opposite because it is the result of "irreconcilable differences."

Because God is the overseer of marriage, what can be irreconcilable to God? We're talking GOD people?!?!? Take your mind out of the mess you made and decide once and for all to realize and understand God created marriage and for that reason alone there is no need for fear. "A cord of three strands is not easily broken." Put your faith in Him, the size of a mustard seed is enough to MOVE MOUNTAINS so you should be pretty confident its enough to heal your marriage. If it weren't, God would've created divorce but he didn't, you did and God doesn't make mistakes, we do. PEACE


Friday, December 19, 2014

It's already done!

The pathway to Peace is understanding because God is who he is, (all knowing, all powerful, everywhere, all the time) He does not make mistakes.

God created man to live in Peace on Earth. This can and WILL happen because it simply is the will of God. It hasn't happened because the concept "Peace on Earth" is thought of as fairytale, unrealistic, unattainable, unbelievable.

To think we can decide for God what is better for us is exactly what we believe when we choose against God's will. What causes pain and suffering is not realizing difficult situations happen for a reason - everything happens for a reason. It wouldn't happen if there was no reason for it. The reason is always (and only) to learn from it. Always remember, life is a test and your situations are life's lessons. If you don't learn from that situation, you'll continue to bring it into your life, just a different form, until the lesson is learned.

The crazy thing about it all is, the same way we create pain and suffering for ourself (and others) is the same way we ought to understand it need not be. Because you're having a difficult moment doesn't mean your entire day is ruined. What you unconsciously brought into your life can and must be reversed intentionally by realizing the insanity is self destructive.

The first step toward Peace is training your mind to be silent/still in the present moment. The second step is to accept your situation for what it is - because it is what it is. The last and final step is to hand it over to God (just don't snatch it back!) It takes faith, the size of a mustard seed, for God to open your eyes to what you're blind to - your power to choose.

As long as there continues to be a choice for you, you will continue to be tested. Because you didn't create yourself, the only choices you have is to be either led by the Holy Spirit or dragged by the Ego. Once you've made the only choice that makes sense (Ego makes no sense), you will begin to experience Peace. Peace has to be experienced because there are no words to describe it - there is no other feeling or state of being like it!

Save yourself the unnecessary drama that only the Ego brings by remembering, it's already done. The Ego doesn't know this, that's why it tortures you with different scenarios of what your outcome will be. Your outcome is not your business because God controls that part - just know everything works together for good for those that love God and are called according to His purpose. We (human beings) are all called according to His purpose because everything has a purpose or it wouldn't be and God doesn't make mistakes.

Your purpose is to live in Peace. Now that you have the steps, it's done!

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Have you ever been able to STOP a thought (or series of thoughts) in your mind? Where do those thoughts come from, you ask? Those thoughts come from forgetting who you are and so forgetting who God is. 

Having to STOP  those kinds of thoughts mean they robbed you of your peace and you no longer want the discomfort they bring. These thoughts come from only one place, Fear. Because you don't remember who you are, your Ego slips in and takes over. 

Choose rather to Lean Back in your mind and allow that thought to float on by without even an acknowledgment! This way you give no energy to it which is exactly what the Ego needs to get into conflict with you causing stress in all different forms (ex. anxiety, cancer, shingles, depression, etc.)

Lean Back and not only let those thoughts float by but Lean Back and let God carry you through. There is no other way to get through this life. Remember, there is only one way, one truth and one life. Your belief in it is not needed however your belief in anything other than God will bring you continued pain and suffering. 

Engaging and/or pondering gives those thoughts energy that brings everything BUT peace. Vigilance is needed for peace because you forgot God is totality - he is everything and is in everything. Meaning, God is in you as well as in me. 

Awareness of this is so vital in its power for change that we can recognize our power in one instant and change the world in the next.  

Lean Back and let God do his work!


Stay Here.

One of the main reasons we continue to bring pain, suffering and misery into our life is because we've forgotten who we are and so have forgotten who God is.

Because you believe you can be attacked, you live your life in fear (with your guard/wall up) ready and willing to attack back. Because you are not the only one who believes this, it does not take long for conflict to appear. The insane part about the whole belief is you don't know it was made by you when you forgot who you are.

This belief is the rationale you use to defend and justify your actions. Attack, in any form however can never be justified because there is no justification in attack - period.

Remember this, inside every bully is a coward. Both the Coward and the Bully are how the Ego disguises itself. When you are not present in your mind, the Ego slides right in and takes over. The longer you waste time stewing in the past or stressing about the future, the more the Ego begins to take residence and ownership of you and your affairs.

Instead you must understand ONLY when you're in the moment (whether it be pleasant or not) is when 1. you'll be more likely to accept your situation for what it is and 2. you'll be able to make the proper decisions because you have a clear sound mind. The Ego is incapable of making proper decisions because it doesn't think about anything or anyone but itself.

When you stay here is when you're able to invite the Holy Spirit in. The Holy Spirit can not and will not impose itself on you. God gave you the will to choose and you must use that power to invite the Holy Spirit in otherwise the Ego will continue to claim you as its hostage.

You must put the past down by understanding there is absolutely nothing you can do to change it. Use it instead to recall happy and helpful memories. You must also let go of the future because it doesn't belong to you. Planning is helpful because you're hopeful for tomorrow however if/when you spend more time outside of the present moment, you will begin to bring pain and suffering back into your life.

Stay here because that's the only place you'll find what you're looking for. You'll never find it in the past and it doesn't exist in the future. The Peace of God is found and experienced ONLY in the present moment because that is where God is. God is in eternity. There is no time in eternity - there is no time in the present moment.

All tragedy, misery, injustice, conflict, war, etc., is created by the Ego. Whom else could create such chaos?!?! Here is the crazy thing! We created this mess! Yes, human begins. Because you have the power God gave you (the will to choose) you are able to create peace AND make war. Please don't be foolish enough to believe your power is weak. Your power can never be weakened however it (clearly) can be used to weaken.

When you stay here, you're able to see God's hand and work in everything because God is in control of everything. When you spend more time in the present moment is when you'll begin to spend your life in peace. You'll begin to live in Heaven on Earth because God will unfold the life he intended for you right before your very eyes.

There is no future in heaven - its right here right now. Remember, there is no such thing as coincidence. There is also no coincidence you're reading this right now.

Stay here. Peace

Friday, December 12, 2014

You're in the way!!!

I'm sure you've heard of the term "you're in your own way." That's exactly what happens when you're faced with an unpleasant situation and you begin to stress because you don't want to deal with it. You're in the way when you negatively react (emotional) rather than be still and trust God through it.

You're in the way when your mind is lost in the past regretting and/or still angry about what you can't change but can't accept either. That's a form of insanity because reality is what it is whether its accepted or not.
You're in the way when you look at your life situation and see only what's lacking and/or unpleasant. People in very poor countries seem to have a sense of peace within because although they go through trying times, they are very grateful for the little they do have. Nothing is taken for granted.
Get out of the way! How? By trusting that despite your current (and temporary) situation, it is simply that, you're current situation. Your trust in God at this point will take sheer/blind faith. Surrendering that situation along with all your doubts, fears, worries, anxiety, anger, bitterness, regret, shame, etc.,  will be replaced with God's Peace. 
Living in the moment is where you find God's Peace. Any other moment doesn't exist - its either gone or hasn't come yet and so is pointless to spend more time there than in your present moment. By staying present, your mind is clear from all the noise in your head about the past and/or stressing about the future. God himself said "Which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his  span of life?"
When you're present is when God is able to use you to bless others. That's not possible when you're in the way because your thoughts are what block God's blessings for others through you as well as your own  blessings. Keep your mind clear of negativity - keep your focus on God and watch the blessings begin to pour in!! PEACE



It seems like the majority of what's in the media is bad/negative. Through Social Media alone, the energy from a negative experience or situation can be captured, put on the internet and reach millions within seconds!

Newspapers are mostly gossip, reporting on scandal, crime, tragedy and war. News channels prey on the vulnerability of their viewers. They take advantage and manipulate the truth to favor their position on issues.

Reality TV shows and Magazines with the most trifling stories cut the biggest checks because they bring in the highest ratings and are the most sold which equals money, money and more money! Too many are willing to "sell their souls" for the all mighty dollar.

The virtual world seems to have taken over the real world. Teens, adults and yes, even children check their preferred media website(s) first thing in the morning, all throughout the day (and night)  and right before going to bed. Countless fatal accidents happen because drivers are on their phones while driving.

Those whom choose to "disconnect" are told they need to get out from under their rock, wake up and get back into the real world. What's real about constant negativity? Ever wonder why the same horrible story is put on repeat by the News Channels  to play and replay over and over day and night? Who feels better, comforted, excited, safe, encouraged, optimistic after reading about or watching the News?  

Using the media to keep in touch with loved ones and bring goodness into your life is a wonderful thing. However gossip, brake ups, misunderstandings, bullying, etc. is at an all time high because media is viewed as the way of life now. You're "left out/behind" so to speak unless you're "connected."

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. has taken place of face to face interactions. Not convinced? Check out the show Catfish. The mere fact that a show about this very issue is in syndication speaks for itself.

Creating and maintaining a healthy balance between virtual reality and the real world is what more of us need. PEACE

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

It's Your World!

When you are present (like a Guard) in your mind, you are maintaining God's power in you to invite as well as prevent what thoughts you allow to come into your mind, your life, your world.

Particularly during this hostile time (because of killings by Police - either by gunshot wounds or the choke hold) is when you need to be on guard. If not, feelings of past pain, rage and frustration will now join together with feelings of worry, fear and anxiety which will guarantee further conflict and destruction in our communities and our country at large.

Take back your power and use it to monitor your media intake which is where most stress related issues come from. We've become a society that's addicted to bad, horrific, scandalous news and we wonder why our country is in the state its in. Let's take for example the News Broadcasts, most of the story headlines are to promote worry and fear. Reality shows are just as bad. Although they don't promote fear, the idea of those shows are to keep the drama levels high because that's what brings in the ratings! Provocative music videos exploiting women, shows depicting our youth as sex crazed, drug addicted trouble makers, etc.. seeing others in stressful situations, attacking one another, just out of order is what our Society is obsessed with - and we wonder why/how this world is such a mess. 

It's your world. Understand that Peace comes from knowing you have the Power to decide what to do with it. Every thought you have predicts what world you create for yourself. When you can see God in everyone and everything is when you'll have Peace. It's not something one can describe - you have to experience it for yourself to understand what it means.

It's your world - make it what you want for you! It doesn't matter what others do or say primarily because you can't control others. Second, and more importantly, what God created is unalterable,    eternal and so can not and will not change. That's wonderful news because what WE made is meaningless, and superficial. The love of money, the car your drive, the zip code you live in, the profession you're in, the title you hold, the color or your skin, the religion you choose to belief, etc. It all means nothing because it all changes the minute you change the way you think! What means the world to you will mean NOTHING the minute your life flashes before your eyes. 

Because the Power of God is the only thing that can open your heart, your eyes and your mind, use it to see THIS IS YOUR WORLD! You can continue to be a victim by continuing to worry about what you can't control - others, or you can choose to see God in others and watch your world change (for the better) right before your eyes. It's your world - claim your power and get back into enjoying life. That's the only reason you're here - please know God's plan is not for you to live in misery. 

If you want something you've never had, you have to be willing to do something you've never done! It's your world - make it what you want it to be for you. PEACE

Life is out to get you!

When (take notice of the fact that I didn't say IF) one goes through a difficult situation at best, the typical reaction is Stress. Worry is the first emotion because the outcome is unknown. Anxiety follows because God is no longer the focal point. Because you're now afraid of not knowing how things will turn out and the fact that you can't believe its happening to you or why is, how you attract negativity into your life. You begin to create in your mind how things will turn out and because you're in a state of fear you could never imagine anything good coming from it.

Training your mind to stay present is what it takes to be able to see and be grateful for what you have. Worrying about what is not in your control (tomorrow) means you've lost faith in God. Comparing yourself or your situation to others is futile because it only confirms the fact that you are not grateful for what you have.

You'll begin to think life is out to get you. You can't catch a break. You're not lucky. You got the short end of the stick, etc. This way of thinking is a habit that must be dropped the same way it was picked up! Do not confuse looking to those that inspire you to do better with comparing your current situation to those better off than you.

You are not a victim - you just forgot the power of God is in you. The moment you began to feel sorry for yourself is when you began to give your power away. Reclaim your power today by living each moment to the fullest and know that God doesn't make mistakes - he's always in control.

Life is not out to get you. Life is what you make it!

How long must history repeat itself for us to understand? It's lanuage is universal!

Its been said "you have to know your past in order to not repeat it" however knowing your past has nothing to do with whether or not you'll repeat it. Learning from your past is what it takes for you to not repeat it.

To know is simply that you're aware of something through observation, inquiry or information. To learn on the other hand  is to gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in (something) by study, experience or being taught. Which means one you know of, the other you have a better understanding of because you've LEARNED the lesson (i.e., knowledge, skill and/or experience.)
For some reason or other, history has shown us (time and time again - since the beginning of time) that unless you LEARN from your past, you are likely to repeat it. Could it be the "reason" is to teach a lesson? Could it be unless you learn the lesson, history will repeat itself?
You don't have to believe it for it to be a fact - you'll just continue to be tested until you understand history only repeats itself because it wasn't understood the last time. A pattern of behavior tends to model that of others or continues because it hasn't been corrected. To correct something is to learn what the error is. Unless the error is corrected one is bound to repeat it because it knows no better.
What needs to be learned once and for all is this - we continue to hurt, attack, kill one another because we haven't learned to trust one another. You can't trust  whom you don't love. You can't love whom you don't know. And what you don't know is that we are all one and the same - that is one thing that will never change. Because that will never change, history has no choice but to continue to teach this lesson - treat one another as you would have them treat you - until we as the human race learn this lesson, we will continue to have history repeat itself.
Know this, WE control history - LEARN from it and it won't repeat itself because there is no need!  PEACE  


Thursday, December 4, 2014

RACE in 2014

Race - people who are believed to belong to the same genetic stock.

Has anyone ever thought of the logic in "defending your race?" Or demeaning another because of their race? How about this one? KILLING another because of their race? Is there logic in any one of these thought patterns? 

No one on this planet had any part in deciding what race he/she was born into. That is not a decision made by you so how can you defend or reject what you had no part in distributing? Could it be you follow and/or believe what you were taught to be right? At some point, now is a good time, you need  to question your belief on race relations in 2014.

You can continue to believe that because race issues do not directly effect you, they don't exist but being honest with yourself is what will allow you (and the rest of the world) to see what is blatantly obvious but too "deep and/or sensitive" to talk about.

The fact that race has been an issue for hundreds of years is not a reason to look the other way and pretend it doesn't still exist. What is equally blatantly obvious is the FACT that we are ONE human race. Meaning the texture of your hair, facial features, ethnicity, skin color, lineage, etc., is of no value!  They're meaningless because anything that is built on a foundation of lies, hurt, deceit, abuse, secrecy, etc., is certain to not last. 

Sure, Race has been an issue for centuries however the length of time does not confirm its efficacy as much as it confirms the ignorance woven into the very fabric of our justice system. What is gained by judging and attacking another according to how he/she looks or where he/she was born? 

The idea of holding a trial to determine whom is at fault when one party is killed by another is SICK! Even if a guilty verdict is concluded, punishment (i.e., job loss, arrest, prison sentence, capital punishment, etc.) doesn't resolve anything because the root of the problem RACE has not been addressed.  The way to address the Race issue once and for all is to:

1. Not make or take part in jokes about Race - it's not funny!
2. Understand Race is as meaningless as Class - they both are based on ignorance. 
3. Accept the Truth which is the one and only thing keeping us from Peace on Earth - the FACT that we are all one Race - the HUMAN Race - PERIOD.

What do you want?

Consider this when contemplating the question "What do you want?" There are only two answers available. Peace and Drama. One you choose, the other is chosen for you! It is impossible to experience them both simultaneously as they're the complete opposite of each other. 

Whether you're aware of it or not, you are answering that question every minute and every second. The answer is formed first in your mind. Only in the right mind is Peace seen as the only practical option. Right mind thinking is led by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit produces thoughts of healing, helping, teaching, encouraging, forgiving, understanding, etc. When led by the Holy Spirit, your actions and/or way of living is precisely the answer to the question "What do you want?" With the Holy Spirit, there is only one answer and that answer is Peace.

With Drama, on the other hand, the choice is made for you because you give your power away the moment you see another as a threat. Drama is inevitable the moment your vision is clouded by images and thoughts the Ego sets up as reality for you. They're either held trapped in your mind until they fester and are presented as forms of sickness in your body or they're acted out in forms of attack (shouting, gossip, lies, physical violence, emotional abuse, bullying, plotting revenge, etc.) 

Be present in your mind at all times and Ego will have no time to hijack you and bring Drama into your life. The Ego needs time in order to hold onto the past so to not forget the offenses caused by others. Ego and Drama come as a packaged deal - where one is, the other is guaranteed to show up! Ego pops up out of no where (the minute you take your focus off God) and Drama wreaks havoc on your life and is gone just as quickly as it came. 

Until you change your mind to right thinking (being once again led by the Holy Spirit) you will continue to feel like you can't catch a break. Your Ego will never willingly allow you to choose Peace because that would be the end of its existence! So stay awake and let Peace be the answer to the question "What Do You Want?" The Holy Spirit it the one and only path to Peace so stay on it and you'll keep it! PEACE

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


If you spend half your day, more often than not, in a state of Panic/Worry it's because you haven't Let Go. You're in a state of Fear because you need to refocus. You've lost your way because your vision is blurred by Panic, Worry, Anxiety, Uncertainty, etc.

You must (consistently at first) remind yourself that God has everything under control. You ought to really sit with it for a moment then accept it for yourself (and others) because that's when you'll experience God's Peace - there is no other Peace.

To experience what "Be still and know that I am God" means is to be free of Fear in the form of these kinds of questions - "But what if?", "How will I?", "When", "What", "Why?", etc. These questions blur your vision of what is most important in Life - being a blessing to everyone you come across. To preoccupy yourself with what's out of your control is a waste of time. If not corrected after a certain period of time (ex., three weeks or more), you're susceptible to fall into a depression, if you're not already there.

This state traps you and keeps you in a constant state of Stress (Fear of what the future looks like to you and/or Fear of forgetting the past.) By holding on to the past you're not "forgiving the offender or the offense" and by not allowing yourself to forget is creating and holding onto a grudge.   This kind of Stress presents itself as headaches, nausea, irritable bowel syndrome, cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, anxiety, stroke, heart attack, etc.

You don't have to wait until you no longer have the choice to Let It Go. You're associating Letting It Go with Fear which is why your body is sick. Your body and how you live your life is a mirror of what is in your mind. You're afraid that if you Let It Go you'll spiral out of control when in fact you're  not in control, God is! You're afraid that if you Let It Go you leave yourself open to being hurt again. When you remember YOU give others your power to hurt you is when you'll take it back by showing them God in you. Who looks at God and wants war?

Let It Go! How? See God everywhere you look and it's gone!

Who Are You?

On my way to my favorite diner for breakfast after dropping my girls off to school. For Stay At Home Moms, I'm not one but I use this comparison to make a point, you know we're not "getting dressed" to take our children to school. So the first thought that comes to my mind is "Oh My Goodness, I look terrible! My hair is a mess and I should at least have mascara on!" My clothes look like a cross between the 1980's and I look borderline homeless - not a good look, LOL!

I enjoy going to a particular town specifically because it's an Artsy town where the energy in that area seems to be more pleasant. How you look is not particularly important in comparison to who you are as a person. There are those (artists, musicians, philanthropists, etc.) who are more likely to live in a longer and more frequent state of peace/happiness because they have a better understanding of the meaning of Life. Loving what you do and doing what you Love is part of it. The other (most important part) is the fact that your Life is at its best when what you're doing is what you love because it helps (not harms) others. 

There is the argument "you should always look your best before leaving your house" because how you feel about yourself lends itself to your appearance. On a larger scale, our Country is in the state that it's in because we still judge others according to their appearance. 
This Country has become (well, has always been really) one that lives is a state of scarcity and lack (ex., "Who is going to pay for that?!?") Despite this, our Country is still considered the most Powerful Country in the World - how does that make any sense? What Power is gained when (because what you look like plays such a large role in why) our children are being killed, by Police specifically? What Power is gained by living in Fear of others being out to get what you have?

When WHO you are as a person is valued for more than what you look like is when we'll no longer see one another as a threat. To view another as superior or inferior because of their appearance is Absurd - extremely unreasonable AND Ignorant - lack of depth of knowledge or thought or feeling.  There is no Power in any of them however this way of thinking is the very reason the most "Powerful" Country in the WORLD is in a constant state of turmoil, conflict, anxiety, WAR against "their very own" as well as the "illegals"...REALLY PEOPLE?!?!? 

If you put more meaning into how you look than who you are as a person, you're also the one that judges others for how they look. Do you agree or would you prefer to defend this way of living because your Ego continues to cloud your vision from the FACT that we are all one and the same? It's by remembering that you'll be able to see God in others. You'll see there was never a threat. You created it in your mind when you judged the other by their appearance. 

Either way, ask yourself WHO are YOU? The way you live your life and treat others is the answer to to part of the problem or part of the solution. Peace

Monday, November 24, 2014


Because you forgot who you are, a creation of God, you live in a constant state of Fear. Believing in something for the sake of it saving you. In Fear, you believe that if you don't, you'll burn in Hell. You believe unless you follow a particular set of rules, guidelines, rituals, etc., you are hell bound. So out of Fear, you practice what you don't even understand but accept by saying "God doesn't need to make sense." Whether or not you completely understand or agree with what you practice, you believe it will "save" you from damnation and so you comply.

Please know God is not a confused or a confusing God. Faith comes from Surrender and Trust in God, not from Fear of burning in Hell. This, my friends is not how God would have you live. You will never meet your (full) potential in  a state of any form of Fear (worry, uncertainty, doubt, etc.) Because you forgot who you are, you judge yourself and others for not following what you believe is the only true way to Heaven. 

You forgot God created Man. Man made religion. Religion creates WAR! You forgot that when your time is come, whether you lived your life as a Pentecostal, Baptiste, Catholic, Methodist, Seven Day Adventist, Jehovah Witness, Muslim, Orthodox/Hasidim Jew, Mormon, etc., doesn't matter. They mean nothing to God because Man created them and gave them meaning - not God.

You forgot your full potential is met when you're able to put down the wall you built up and no longer view others as a threat. When you're able to see God in everyone, despite their disguises, is when you'll know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, "if God is for me whom shall be against me" meaning because God is Love and Peace, there is nothing to be against because there is no conflict and war in God. 

You forgot "Sin" is born of Fear and all action taken in Fear calls for the need of forgiveness. Forgiveness is the need of pardon for what you regret doing and/or saying because you acted in Fear. By totally surrendering to God's will - is when you'll REMEMBER God Is Always In Control  and you'll be free from Fear. PEACE

Sunday, November 23, 2014


Relationships, (Parent/Child, Teacher/Student, Employer/Employee, Romantic, Friendship, etc.) flourish if/when both puts the other first. One of the essential aspects of a successful relationship is Communication. Communication is to be used to nourish relationships. A relationship that is nourished is healthy as well as strong and can "weather the storm" much better than one that is weak because one or both parties have chosen to neglect it.

Besides Communication, Respect is one of the first character traits necessary for a sound relationship. Without Respect, relationships are certain to not last long. Respect is a sign of wisdom, strength and maturity. They're like muscles, the more they're used, the longer you'll keep your Peace of mind.

Humility is another very crucial part of what it takes to have a healthy relationship. That word doesn't sit well with many because its believed Humility is thinking less of yourself when in fact, it means to think of yourself less! The results of thinking of yourself less are far greater (for all involved) when you're willing to practice Humility more frequently.

Honesty is an absolute requirement for a strong and healthy relationship. By choosing to be Honest, rather than assume what you're afraid the outcome will be, you show the other you value the relationship and their Trust and would not want to further jeopardize either.

If nothing else, remember your relationships reflect your time and effort in them. Think of a plant, it needs to be nurtured with water, sunlight, pruning, your time, your attention, etc., so does relationships.  With Communication, Respect, Humility, Honesty, etc., you're bound to improve your own life by improving your relationships.

When you know better, you do better so get excited because it's all up hill from here!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2014


"I want to live like tomorrow doesn't exist" are lyrics to a song I heard on the radio. In that instant, I had an "Ah Ha!" moment. If you take a second to contemplate the idea, you may come to the same conclusion I did. Tomorrow DOESN'T exist!

In order for something to exist, it has to be! Because Tomorrow hasn't come yet (it's not here NOW), it doesn't exist NOW.

If you can take a brief moment to think about it, you'll realize worry, stressing over and fretting about what may (or may not) happen "Tomorrow" really makes no sense at all. Sure, its wise to prepare and plan for Tomorrow because you're expecting it however Tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone so worry, stress and fretting over Tomorrow is a complete waste of Time!
Its been said "Life is Short", "Live in the Moment", "Live for Today", etc., because that's the absolute truth! What you do have is the Present Moment and that should always be considered a Gift because of  the mere fact that Tomorrow may never come for you or a loved one. Do what you can and do the best at what you can NOW. The rest is not up to you no matter how much sleep you lose over it! Stressing just brings on anxiety which makes your current situation worse NOT better.
Once you've managed to get a good understanding on the fact that Tomorrow doesn't exist is when you'll free yourself of what you can't control and get back into Life by making the most of every moment you do have. Not only will you begin to LIVE life again but you'll also start creating wonderful memories for yourself and your loved ones!
If you're not convinced, continue waiting for Tomorrow while Life continues to pass you by. Here's the only problem with that, once Life/Time goes by, its gone for good - it will never come back so choose wisely that way you'll have no regrets when your Time has run out. Don't worry about Tomorrow. Believe me, Tomorrow is not worried about you because Tomorrow doesn't exist! PEACE