Saturday, April 11, 2015

Do the right thing.

Do the right thing and you'll never have to worry about it coming back to haunt you. There is Peace in doing the right thing because you're free from guilt, shame, regret, etc. There is Joy in doing the right thing because it's a gift from God that comes along with Peace. Joy is an experience you have once you realize and fully understand, because of Who God is, "the great provider" of all for all, there is never a reason to give up your Peace of mind in exchange for what is never worth it!

Anyone can recognize Truth when brought to it yet you must remember who you are in order to accept Truth. You must pay attention in order to not get sucked into compromising your integrity because you've forgotten Who's you are. Pay attention by staying present in the moment so you're more likely to make sound decisions rather than go with what you think will benefit you at whatever cost!  This doesn't have to be, remember Who is always in control and having to compromise your integrity is no longer an issue. 

You are not a victim here! It's by remembering who you are that you're able to let go of the need to do or say anything for your gain, at the expense of another. Doing the right thing despite all the green arrows authorizing, excusing and justifying what you know is wrong, is the only way to be the example you want to see in others. It takes the Power of God (Love) to get you through because anything else (Doubt, Worry, Anxiety, etc.) will drop you off saying "this is your last stop, my love for you ends here!" Because there is only one way (the right way) in God, keep going that way by doing the right thing, particularly when no one is watching. Who knows, maybe someday you'll recognize it for what it is, the hand of God at work in your life and not just another coincidence! Peace 

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