Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Salvation lies in your relinquishing what Ego made up by recognizing there is but one lack since there is but one need (Love.) Because there is no lack or need in God, you must know attack in any form comes from not remembering who God is. That is all Ego needs to take over and cloud your vision. It takes control over your mind but convinces you it's there to protect you. Because you don't remember who you are, you forgot who your brother is. Ego convinced you your brother is a threat, every/anyone is seen as a threat to Ego. This is the reason we can't trust or love one another.

To attack back is to deny a cry for help. That is exactly what attack is, a cry for help! Choose instead to see God, rather than their state of confusion, and they won't see Ego in you. They'll see God in you and thus leave confusion (darkness) and enter the light (understanding.) This is atonement - demonstrating in you God's undoing of all error/sin which then uproots the source of fear/Ego.

Because God gave the will/power to choose, you have power of the mind which is a mechanism of decision. Do not fall prey to Ego's belief in your behavior being excused because you're "only human and imperfect." Choice is your decision to use your God given power to make up your own mind. 

Ego must control the mind in order to exist. Believing it can control the mind of another will only bring pain and misery to you both because when God gives something, He doesn't take it away. Behavior always listens to the mind so if it's out of order it's because the mind is confused, taken over and controlled by Ego. 

Salvation is for the mind and its attained through peace. Salvation is found in your brother because we are not alone, hence why misery loves company. Knowing how to attain peace and share it, is where you'll find and experience heaven on earth! Peace

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