Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Are You a Resident or Visitor?

Reading a street sign "Residents straight ahead, Visitors Left/Right" is when I realized that is what they call a "gated community." What exactly is a gated community? Could it be a group of people who have forgotten who they are and so believe because of their wealth of money (NOT wealth of knowledge) they are superior to those less fortunate?

Could it be you feel safer together in this big scary world and would rather believe money is the answer to everything? A gated community is a community of people who believe they are separate and apart from those people in that area.  As if a particular zip code could determine who who are at the core. Please know, this is how Ego thinks and because it's foundation is built on lies, it doesn't stand up to anything which explains its shallowness!

It's that very belief that keeps the Ego in power. Believing and maintaining the idea of superiority/inferiority (when it comes to people in general) makes no sense - lack of knowledge.  Sure, money makes living a little (or a lot) more comfortable however the saying "more money more problems" come from the more you have, the more your want (greed.) It also means opportunities - for you to share (or not) your wealth of money - will present its self. 

If you choose to not share, you will create a "gated community/prison" for yourself and Ego will convince you that you're safe or better off away from "them." Lack of knowledge comes from not knowing the truth about who you are. This is all the Ego needs to take over and tell you who you are and you'll believe it because you've lost your way and you're confused.

Know this, you are not a resident here. You are just a visitor passing through. If you want to be treated and welcomed as such, you must treat others the way you would want to be treated. You would be amazed at the magic/power a smile has. It can melt steel walls and it can crumble brick walls in seconds! 

Start there, with a smile and watch the hand of God work right before your very eyes! Remember, you're only visiting so don't take yourself (or anyone else for that matter) too seriously because none of it really matters anyway...Peace

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