Sunday, July 17, 2016

The madness stops (only) when You decide it does.

When the gift within is realized for what it really is, the effect of its Power will always be positive because the affect of its use is taken from fear to Love. This is most often remembered during highly intense situations and/or Death is on the scene.

Because we have forgotten Who we really are, the value of Life is not only under appreciated, it's worth has become meaningless altogether. The notion that one could come up with their own value system and decide the worth of a life is where the first problem lies. This made up system as well as all other systems, when based on fear, will bring nothing but Pain and Suffering considering there is no logic in Fear. Details do not change that which is mad, they just add more chaos to the insanity. Only what is left standing, Truth, will prevail because only Love mends all wounds and dissolves what makes no sense to begin with.

Focus not on what you think is the problem which in fact is really the result of not wanting to look at and face the problem. Denial is a bitch with no mercy and will keep its prisoner locked in ignorance who suffers the consequences of a life lived according to what should be rather than what is.

Only by facing that which seems impossible to accept is Hope offered and Love seen as the only real alternative to any/all situations and the solution to any/all problems. It is at this point that Peace is experienced because it is offered. Whether or not the offer is excepted has little or nothing to do with the capability to maintain Peace which is always accessible to anyone at any time. The decision to engage in madness is when/how Peace is replaced by Fear disguised in all forms of Pain and Suffering.

You're worth is not determined by anything here on earth because the essence of Who You are is not of this world. You are a perfect creation of LOVE yet unless and until life is lived by BEing Love, life as we know it will continue to be a living Hell or Heaven on Earth. Both are the reflection of the state of mind. When Fear runs your life, Death is your worst enemy and what a hell to pay because you've been tricked into believing Death is the end of life when in fact Death is the end of Birth. Life on the other hand is eternal, Death is just the shedding of physical form; however because most identify themselves with with/as their body, the value of Life itself is lost in what was really meant to be just an instrument to use in order to experience and enjoy Life while temporarily here on earth in human form. 

Ego on the other hand has to have its say and it's way by consistently causing chaos and drama through fear of what poses no threat. It uses bodies to compete for this or that when in fact you already have all you could ever need, you just don't remember.  Yet Ego demands we use our eyes to determine what truth is rather than the inner voice that keeps telling you what you already know but just forgot. Now that you're aware again, take your place in the cause for Peace and not the war against anything or the fight for such and such considering that would just be Ego again sliding in through the back door.

When LOVE is the compass/guide, Peace is the final destination. Please know Peace depends not on your life circumstance(s,) it is offered and available to whom ever whenever they are ready to get off the crazy train! Peace

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