Monday, July 11, 2016

Everyone has a story...but it doesn't define Who you are.

Because you have forgotten Who you Really are, a PERFECT creation of Love, you take what you've been taught all your life to be true along with past negative experiences and carry them around to where they shape and form your identity, or so you think!

You see, the reaction to any given situation is what brings about more of the same. So, for example,  if history shows a pattern of racism and police brutality primarily and specifically in the poor black communities, despite countless marches, arrests, beatings and even deaths, with no solution to date, something has to break the pattern in order for Real change to take place. 

The kind of change that doesn't dissolve once all the hype is gone. A change that is once and for ALL particularly black people, whom are the ones being targeted and killed for no reason other than Fear of believing we are different because we look different. That is where is fundamental problem lies. Unless and until the issue of Fear is addressed by practicing patience, understanding and forgiveness, not only will the pattern of shear madness continue in more lives lost to what makes no sense, but once it is all said and done, Truth will be realized for what it is and will always be. 

As Spiritual creative beings, We (the entire human race) have the Power to create with the mind whatever is in the mind. When in Fear, nothing good is to be expected however because Fear is just an illusion, once light is shed on what is causing the Fear, it is no longer an issue. Fear can not exist for long in the light of Truth - that We are ALL One and the Same

Choose to remember Who you Really are, despite your beliefs or lack thereof as well as those of others. It is from remembering Truth that Hope is offered through Love and Peace is experienced as its gift to man. You are not your circumstance(s.) Use them as the tools they're here for to learn from the Past,  grow and progress together as One in Love and Peace. Peace

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