Thursday, July 14, 2016

One planet - two different worlds.

There is the world of Reality and the world of Insanity and both are lived and experienced here on this planet called Earth. Some refer to and/or know these worlds to be Heaven and Hell. The only difference is the label because the state of mind is what reflects both Heaven and Hell and/or Reality and Insanity.  

The mind, when in its right place (Reality,) produces incredibly amazing pieces of artwork. infrastructure, celestial music (the kind that touches your soul,) programs to help and heal communities, etc., because it's from this place (Reality) that miracles happen. 

When the mind is full of fearful thoughts however decisions made in this frame of mind brings nothing but regret at best and shear disaster at worst where lives are taken and lives are lost. This world is insane because it makes no sense yet dispite past records showing no positive results and because the mind set hasn't changed back to Reality where Truth is recognized for what it is, Pain and Suffering will continue to be the only experience the world of Insanity offers. 

You see, it's the frame of mind that determines the experience. When in the world of Reality, the circumstance has little or nothing to do with the experience because it's only by acceptance of what is that Reality offers positive change. In the world of Insanity, denial is where insight is lost to Fear and vision is lost because there is no goal in sight, only doom and gloom also known as Hell.

Again, because these two worlds are the result of the state of mind, one can live with a life sentence in prison and experience freedom (of the mind) which depends not on the circumstance(s.) Just as well another can live in a palace with not one need/want and still be miserable because Peace of mind depends not on your circumstance but on your reaction to it. 

When Reality is experienced through understanding the Power within, LOVE, and the ability to access it at any point in Time by offering it to yourself and others, life on earth is lived in LOVE and experienced in Peace and the world can live as One. Peace

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