Saturday, July 16, 2016


To be considered "The greatest country in the world" is an accomplishment Ego thrives off of which explains the state of this "great" country today. Ego uses this label, "the greatest," along with all other labels, always to its advantage only. It may seem like good intentions are there but that is the trick Ego uses to ultimately get what it needs to maintain its existence. Good intentions mean nothing if the action/behaviour doesn't deliver and may even cause more damage.

One of the qualities that we, Americans pride ourselves about is our leadership to and for the rest of world. The Statue of Liberty signifies something so profound yet too often not recognized for the message it represents  and therefore goes unnoticed and/or misunderstood by Ego. 

The torch is a symbol of enlightenment, a higher state of mind and a deeper way of living. The Statue of Liberty's torch lights the way to freedom (of the mind) showing us the path to liberty. It also represents friendship among nations and freedom from oppression. This message has been lost and as a result, another message has been made up by Ego representing the complete opposite of Love and brotherhood to one of Fear in the form of discrimination, the primary cause of separation and conflict. 

The ultimate goal of a leader is unity. That will never be as long as Ego is on the scene because opposition is Ego's ultimate goal. So things like putting up walls, testing all Muslims on the belief in Sharia law, using excessive force in calm/peaceful situations, etc., are not what brings unity through Peace, only more of what brings Pain and Suffering. 

All eyes are on us, the "privileged" yet what's being conveyed through most forms of media is Fear  disguised as sexism, racism, religious intolerance, etc., the complete opposite of what the Statue of Liberty stands for. Our children are watching us, both individually and collectively and mental notes are being taken both intentionally and subconsciously. The chain of lies and deception must be broken Now because there is no other Time like the Present to end what we all know is wrong because lives are being taken and lost over what is completely illogical and insane.

If the "American" label is to be worn with pride, it is Time to lead by demonstrating to everyone what  Liberty and justice for ALL means. We have the stage, what's it gonna be? More of the same or Real positive change that can only come from Love which always brings Peace. The choice is always yours. Just remember, you're being watched so choose wisely so your decision will reflect that and  not more disappointment. Peace

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