Thursday, July 14, 2016

More Time is not what's needed here, willingness to see things differently on the other hand, is!

The idea of more Time is what's need in order for the process of healing to begin is primarily where the problem lies. Because Time is an instrument seen and used by far too many, if not the majority here in the Western part of the world,  as simply a means to an end, its value is not appreciated for what it Really is.
First off, Time itself is really thought in movement considering Past is a recollection of experiences, both physically and emotionally while Future is the anticipation of this or that. What is often missed and thus "lost," but not Really, is the Present moment. Simply because the Present moment, also known as the Now, is all one ever Really has.
Because Past is gone, it can never be undone and for that reason alone, it is unwise to believe more Time spent there (Past) will bring any solution to the issues at hand today. If anything, the more Time spent in the Past than the Present moment determines what is to be expected for the Future. The Past is to be learned from not lived in.
Because Hope is for the Future, positive change can only be accessed Now, in the Present moment where the miracle of LOVE is accessed by remembering the Truth about Who we (the entire human race) are. Unless and until the notion of more Time is what we need in order to heal and progress is corrected by/with "LOVE is ALL we need," the instrument of Time, although guaranteed to no one, is what will be used to continue to teach the one lesson that has yet to be learned.
That lesson comes in every single situation because everything happens for a reason and that reason is always a reminder that we are One and the Same and despite our life circumstance(s) where Peace or Hell is experienced  according to your reaction.
Remember that life circumstances have little or nothing to do with Who you are (LOVE) which is where Peace of mind is enjoyed. Your mere willingness to see things differently is where any possibility of Hope and positive change is found and put to good use. Peace


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