Thursday, May 26, 2016

You mustn't lose Hope.

Despair is a very dark and lonely please to be. The thought of starting war against another country is disheartening. Tension will rise in the home because that energy is brought in from work, reported on the news, displayed on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., and this is where the difference is made.

Only when Present (in the mind) will the fuckery be recognized for exactly that. If not, nothing will change for the better. Choose rather to "teach them (the next generation and the one after that) how to fish" by demonstrating the Peace you want to see in the world. Lead by example and show how all creativity comes from the mind, but only when it is stress and drama free. It is from this point that "miracles" occur. Considering the fact that whatever is focused on is what you get more of, choose to focus on that which is Real and therefore worth your Time, your Attention and your Patience/Understanding.

We've spent far too long in the dark, grasping at whatever seemed real. If you focus long and hard enough, anything will begin to look like how you want it to because that is how the Power of the mind works. The critical point here, is if/when you're not in your right mind (Reality,) what is made up and makes no sense will begin to take on the shape you focus on. That is when illusion, the key manipulator, comes in to play. Whenever you're not Present but lost in the Past or stressed out about the Future, Fear takes over and comes out in many different forms.

The answer is always within because anything/everything else is made up and not trustworthy. Because Hope is in and for the Future, choose to spend more Time in this moment and every moment. No one is guaranteed the same amount of Time so spend yours doing what you love and that is how Hope is restored! Peace

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