Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Inside Out, Upside Down and Backwards!

Confused, afraid, delusional and suspicious; this is the state of mind where Ego lives yet performs at its best! It is here the veil of lies, disguised as truth, is used to divide and conquer. The only thing needed to create this scenario is distraction.         

Distraction is precisely what magicians use to keep their audience from recognizing and identifying their tricks. To obscure vision, the room must be kept dark (ignorance.) Confusion comes from the use of smoke and mirrors because they make the perfect illusion of  reality.

Ego's best audience are the distracted for without an audience, there is no performance. Ego's act is always to control to disrupt. Disruption causes conflict which leads to separation and that is the beginning of weakness. Ego's greatest power is weakness and the only way its power is effective is by keeping its victim(s) in Fear.  Because Fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) is really nothing, what it takes to "see" Truth is to Know Truth.  

To Know Truth is accept and understand the fact that what is True can not be threatened. What is True doesn't ever change. What is True is not of this world. What is True is deep within You.  To Know Truth is to Know Who you are (a PERFECT creation of Love) for only by accepting and understanding this will the veil of lies  fall away! 

The lies of one being either superior or inferior to another as a result of their sexuality, gender, race, religious/ethnic background, education, financial and/or celebrity status, physical appearance, successes/failures, etc., are what Ego uses to distract, conquer and divide. The lies    in believing what one does or says to or about you can offend and/or affect you is how Ego weakens and ultimately kills its victims.

Choose instead to remember Who you are and use the only Power (Love) within you to make real change. Love is not confused or confusing because ALL (True) knowledge is found only in Love.  everything else is made up, makes no sense and causes nothing but problems because its all inside out, upside down and backwards - foolishness!

Turn on the lights! Open your eyes and you will see clearly all of what you thought was real is really nothing at all! Peace

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