Tuesday, May 31, 2016

It's ALL taken care of.

To understand the meaning of Surrender is to actually render complete control of everything you think you have control over, to what is considered and believed to be the most Powerful in the Universe and beyond. The name you choose to label this force of Power is irrelevant here. Its the notion that this Power is not only the most Powerful, it, in fact is the only Power that produces Real change and therefore the only One in control. 

Because the Power itself can not be seen with the physical eye, Ego uses Fear to distract and keep you from Truth. Although the results of this Power is seen and displayed by demonstration, from those that choose to tap into that Power [we'll get into how to do that later on,] Ego continues to keep you focused on the problem so you forget Truth. 

The fact that this Power is always the One left standing (history has proven it time and again) ought to be the reason we Surrender to its will but Ego has a way of using the eyes, the five senses to convince you otherwise. 

This is typically when Trouble appears. Not accepting Reality for what it is by seeing only what should be, what should've been or what must be, is certainly a call for Trouble. Reality is what is, not what is made up,  makes no sense, yet believed to be True. Reality is where the answer to ALL the questions are found because there is only One answer. 

Life is a gift to be cherished and appreciated which is to live in the moment and completely Surrender ALL cares, worries, anxieties, impatience, resentment, anger, unforgiveness, guilt, shame, regret, etc. to this Power that you can't see. It is from this point the life you've always imagined will begin to take form. 

You are hard wired to this Universal Power and whenever you forget that, listen to Ego and as a result, disturb the energy flow, the damage caused is by you because this Power never changes. It was in the beginning, It is Now, and will forever be....LOVE

It's denied to no one. It's available and for ALL of mankind. It is Special to on one because its Power is accessible to anyone and everyone. Remember Who You are (Love) and you be gently guided back to what you forgot but could never lose, Truth.

Be grateful for right now, no matter how challenging that may be. "This too shall pass" means it is
already done. You'll realize that when you just let go...completely! Peace


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