Friday, May 27, 2016

Feeling Good.

Because the thinking of this world is so backwards and twisted, it's believed to feel good when someone who hurt/offended you gets hurt/offended. "Serves them right!" is the typical thought response. 

Even the idea of feeling good about hurting/offending others makes perfect sense because if it didn't feel good, you wouldn't continue to do it. What must be addressed here is the "who" that feels good when bad things happen to anyone

Because of Who you Really are, we'll get into that later, you will feel good about whatever it is you do, only when it is to heal and not harm another. That kind of "feel good" expands beyond you because the what, in particular, is not as important as from whom is it coming? Here is an example of how to distinguish the two (You and Ego.) Whenever there is an expectation of any kind, know this is of Ego and not the Real you. Whenever the end result is no better and even worse off than it was before your input, that too, is Ego. 

For Ego to feel good, it must make others feel bad. This explains Ego's definition of  "justice" because pain feels good to Ego. Where the pain comes from is not important to Ego considering Ego needs pain to exist. Think about it for a moment, it's not until you let go of pain by understanding Who you Really are and knowing that specifically because of Who you are, no thing and no one can hurt the Real you. You see, Pain and Suffering come hand in hand but that's only when you refuse to let go of what is made up and not Real.

What is Real (Love) can not be threatened, herein lies the Peace of God. Know Who you are, a Spiritual being of PERFECT Love, not all of what your story has convinced you of what you are - a sinner, and you will understand you are by no means more special, superior or inferior to anyone because we (The human race) are One and the Same. It is here the wall Ego has built for your "protection" will crumble because what isn't Real, crumbles from the light of Truth. And nothing feels better than that! Peace

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