Friday, May 15, 2015

You are no exception to the rule!

Because you have completely forgotten who you are, you think you are Special and so can not believe and/or accept when you have been unfairly treated, so much so that when disaster strikes, you even question God. "How could you let this happen to me?!?" you say, as if Pain and Suffering are not a part of Life (for you as well!)

What you must remember is, you are in this Life, you are not of this Life, meaning any/all Life situations are to be seen and taken for what they are, a TEST, rather than what you Fear it to be, God testing you. "Everything happens for a reason" means just that, and the reason is always to determine with whom your Faith lies.

Please know, Ego will do any/everything to make you believe you are exempt from Pain and Suffering specifically because of its protection of you, when in fact,  Ego comes with only Pain and Suffering, disguised as Fear. Fear of what the Future looks like, Fear of history repeating itself. Fear of you not being able to control either.

When you remember that, by even saying to yourself "this is a TEST," particularly during "trials" and "tribulations," is when you will have seen them for what they are and your prayers for Peace (of mind) will be answered. You will have passed the Test when Peace of mind is your reward for when ever you go to God with a question, Peace is always the answer. Anything other than that will enslave you in denial or where all growth is stunted for there is no progression in not being able to see reality for what it is rather than what you would have it be.

Your mind must be (and stay) Present in order to take the next best step forward.  It's not possible to move forward in the Past, no matter how much you dig through it looking for what you'll never find. There are no answers in the Past, however the lesson from the Past, that has yet to be learned from, is what will call it back to be repeated (over generations) until the fact that God is always in control, is understood and accepted as Truth.

Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you that because God is in control, not you, what was meant by Ego for your destruction, left in His hands (by letting go) will, in the end be your blessing and your testimony! Rather than believe Ego in thinking you're being attacked, and/or just unlucky, see Life situations (all of them) for what they are so when things do not go your way, you won't take it personally and attack back and/or give up. Wake up and see them for what they are, a Test to determine with whom you put your Faith, then put down the burdens that weight you down by remembering, you are no exception to the rule. How freeing is that?!? Peace

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