Thursday, May 14, 2015

"Don't get deep on me now"

One must go deep to find the treasure for there is usually not much worth keeping in what's found in shallow places. Ego prefers you stick to what makes no sense, things of the world, because you've been convinced, knowing it makes no sense, that what you see with your physical eyes is real. Ego must maintain confusion by using what's Shallow, appearance, the way one looks for an example, to trick you into believing all of the madness that's going on in the world is something you can relate to.  

When brought to Truth, because you know it, you just forgot, you recognize it by saying, "I know, you're right, but..." and within that very instant go right back to what is Shallow and makes no sense.    Could this be because what is real (the fact that we are one human race) is considered Fearful specifically because you've forgotten who you are? 

Ego uses what is made up, ex., the majority of what is on TV and other forms of media to scare you into believing the condition of human relationships, especially the lack thereof in strangers, will not improve. Because energy can be transformed from one form to another, Ego uses Fear as its tool to spread that energy throughout the world. The instant you make Fear real for you, it has to be considering your nature of creation. "You can do anything you put your mind to" is accurate however you've forgotten you are not in control which explains the Pain and Suffering you're left with whenever the Holy Spirit isn't your guide/confidant. You have been blind for so long that the slightest glimmer of light of the Holy Spirit scares you and off you go back to what you know makes no sense but it's familiar for you and so you have accepted to continue to Suffer in vain.

Please know there is nothing you have to "do." Isn't it apparent too much damage has been done already? Your willingness on the other hand is all the Holy Spirit needs from you for He will never impose Himself on you. The Power of God is so great that your sad, little, feeble willingness is all that's needed to move mountains. Do not believe you have to prepare or do anything in order to offer your willingness. Simply say "show me what I can not see" and wonderful things will begin to happen for you. Let's be clear on what "wonderful" signifies here. You will come to know Peace who will bring Joy along with it. All it takes is the Power of God (Love) to recognize Truth.

The Holy Spirit waits patiently for when you're ready. It's at this point, what you thought was scary because you were blind for so long, you will see clearly what Ego meant for your destruction turns out to be another blessing from God. "And we know that in all things, God works for the good for those who Love God and are called according to His purpose for them.

It's really not that deep, just wake up and you'll see all the mayhem in the world is over nothing because at the end of the day, when its all said and done, the one thing that will never change is the fact that we are all one and the same because that is the way God created us. What's deep about that?!?  Peace

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