Monday, May 4, 2015

Made in His Image

Because we (human beings, mankind) are made in the image of God, His reflection is shown in you, when you are able to see God in any/everyone you encounter. His reflection is seen in you by others only when you are being guided by the Holy Spirit, for if not, you will be just as blind and/or asleep as the rest of the world.

Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of who you are and as a result, you'll remember Who's you are. Only then will you see clearly what Ego uses to trick you, Fear. You'll be able to see God in others, irrespective of what is under the cloak of Fear which Ego uses as a tactic to control and manipulate all that are willing to believe what Ego made up, is true. The world has become so full of Ego that what' is seen with physical eyes is believed to be true. When faced with reality, it has been said "the truth hurts" when, if fact,  its your denial of reality, is what causes Pain and Suffering.

The fact that what Ego made up makes no sense doesn't matter to those whom are asleep. That is the precise definition of someone who's asleep, unconscious, unaware, etc. Only when guided by the Holy Spirit are you awake and therefore able to awaken others. To awaken another is to see God as the image of anything else is what Ego uses to maintain conflict, drama, war and its ultimate goal for you, death. Because Ego can't take your Life, it will torture you with Fear to the point where you either take your own or that of another, all because you forgot Who's you are. 

The Power of God is manifested when you are able to not react when attacked by another for now that you know better, you do better. When guided by the Holy Spirit, there is nothing to "do" but take your hands off the wheel, sit in silence and watch what happens when you let go and let God, considering He is the One in control anyway

When you remember that, you will know there is never a reason for Fear of anyone or anything. See God in everyone and they'll see God in you. Peace

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