Tuesday, May 26, 2015


One enslaves and the other sets free. Because you have forgotten who you are, you remain enslaved, by Ego, not realizing you hold the key to freedom!

The slave master, Ego, uses Fear to imprison you. Because only God knows the Future, the slave master predicts the Future to be no better then the Present considering Ego lives in the Past. You are enslaved because Ego confuses you with what you witness with your physical eyes. It's there, Ego, the slave master, traps you in Fear as it sinks its claws in and holds for dear life! 

The only thing keeping you in this state of imprisonment (of the mind) is YOU. God, creator of the universe created Man to be free and to live in Peace. Some how along the way, Ego convinced Man race, religion, gender, sexual preference, political party, money, etc. is what ought to be used to determine your identity, your self worth. How ridiculous! At the end of the day, when it's all said and done, not one of the above mentioned components will matter if/when you're about to take your last breath. They are details that fill in the story but is not THE story so do not get caught up in them, you'll just lose focus. 

Instead, allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of who you are. It is here you will see all of what the slave master made up is not real. It is here, only in the Present moment, are you able to recognize Truth for what it is, Reality. Accepting Reality for what it is, rather than make up what you would prefer it to be, is where you will get to know Peace which is of God Himself, The Master.

The Master of the Universe sets you free of all bondage for that is the way you were created, by Him! Remember, The Master is the only One in control at all times. Be willing to surrender your will to Him and you will be set free. The slave master of Fear, Greed, Scarcity, Lack, Anger, Jealousy, Envy, any/all negative thoughts, is how Ego keeps you enslaved.

You can not serve two Masters, which do you choose?

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