Tuesday, May 19, 2015

It's never about you!

Because you have forgotten who you are, Ego appears. Because you're confused, and not able to discern what is Real from what Ego made up, you suffer in Pain. Because you've forgotten Who's you are, Ego convinced you because this is a "dog eat dog" world, you have to look out for yourself. Because you're lost and confused, you believe Ego is there to protect you when in fact, Ego is all about Ego and nothing or no one else matters. Because you do not recognize the Power of God (Love) in you, you allow Ego to take over in attacking others in your defense. 

Ego has to be at the center of every situation in order to maintain its existence. You, on the other hand are a creation of God, a Spiritual being in physical form, here on earth but for a short time. Within that time, you must know, it's never about you but always in honor of God, her name is Humility. 

God's gifts, Peace, Love, Joy, are experienced in the Present moment, never in the Future for the Future does not exist. Here is the formula! Use God's Power (Love,) to show God in you, for Love (alone) brings Peace since they stay together.  Extended periods in this state is when Joy comes to celebrate your awakening!

Understand, your One and only purpose is to show God in you considering there is no other purpose for human beings whom are created in the Image of God, not the other way around which is the way Ego thinks, backwards. Do not continue to be fooled into believing anything is happening to you or anything is about you. It never is, so don't allow Ego to make it that way for you. It's never worth the price you'll pay for the Shame and Guilt you're left with after the conflict and drama is over. Remember God is in control at all times and for the reason alone, there is never a need to worry a thing. Peace

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