Sunday, March 15, 2015

What are you waiting for?

Time is not for God. We (human beings) are the only one of God's creation to believe that because Time is needed in the physical world, it's needed in the Spiritual world as well. Not so! The one and only thing required for miracles to happen (naturally) is an open mind and willing heart. That's it!!!   

Those are conditions of the Holy Spirit whom will show you they're not something you work toward because working toward a goal requires Time. You forgot who you are and so have lost Hope and believe it's going to take Time for things to get better. This is exactly how you continue to get in your own way!

When you understand Time is not a necessity in the Spiritual realm, room has been made for the Holy Spirit Whom will show you Its Power rendering Time a non factor yet blessing you (and others) in the physical world! Every moment is an opportunity given by God to be a blessing however Ego has you convinced because physical healing takes time, that Spiritual Healing needs Time too. Not so! The Power of God through the Holy Spirit is already given to you, you have it. Always have and always will. You never need Time to use it!

The Power of God is in recognizing who you are and Who's you are. It's in remembering that you'll realize it's already done. And for this reason alone, there is no need for Time. Allow the Holy Spirit to show you you're wasting Time on what doesn't even matter in the end! Do not continue to bother yourself with matters of the world (Ego's world), choose instead to be lead by the Holy Spirit. Listen to the voice of God by being still in Peace. Keep your mind in the present moment where you will see every moment as another opportunity to show God in you. Keep your heart open and the presence of the Holy Spirit in you will shine it's light in every dark corner so resentment, envy, guilt, shame, etc.,  will vanish by His forgiveness. It's only in the present moment will you experience this recognize  Time as a non factor (unimportant.)

Ego uses Time to delay what you know will benefit you and others Now. Because God has never left you and never will, stop giving your Power to Ego who is an expert on wasting Time. What follows is regret, which wastes even more time!

Save yourself the unnecessary pain and suffering by remembering it's already done. Live your life today in gratitude by honoring God in you. How? Be still. Keep your mind here, in the present moment, keep your heart open and the Holy Spirit will guide you along the way. This will be the one thing you will never regret doing because Peace of mind and a pure heart are what the Holy Spirit offers you from God. So, what are you waiting for???

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