Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Game of Life

The idea of Life being viewed as a game is the first step to changing your view of Life. Because you don't remember who you are, you've fallen victim to believing you have to sacrifice something in order to get something. This explains greed, cheating, dishonesty, jealousy, worry, anxiety, shame, guilt, anger, depression, hypocrisy, hatred, envy, revenge, the list goes on. 

Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of what you already know, but just forgot. Ego doesn't wait for you to allow it to do anything. It knows, in your right mind, you would never allow it or welcome it.  What you must know is Ego doesn't die. It lurks like a lion waiting for the first sign of fear in you and in that instant it takes over! Suffering, Misery and Pain begin the moment you take your spiritual eyes off Christ (Jehovah, Allah, Yahweh, Jesus, Messiah, etc.) by comparing His Power to your life situation(s).

Struggle comes when Ego uses your life situation to have you determine whether or not God cares about you. Sad. Faith is lost to you when you become afraid and begin to worry and as a result,  Ego uses your "trials" and "tribulations" to confuse you into believing God has abandoned you. "Live by FAITH not by sight!" Stressing about what can never be undone (Past) and/or worrying about what is not in your control (Future) is how Ego keeps you confused and stumbling through Life.

Ego, not God, is the one jealous of your Peace in God. Because Ego knows it can never offer you what you already have in God (Peace, Joy, Love) it makes up drama, to cause conflict. Always on guard and always ready to attack, Ego promised you its "protection" because you think you need to be protected. Sick!

Invite the Holy Spirit to remind you, because "this too shall pass" and "this won't last always", "Joy comes in the morning." But please know you never have to wait for Peace, Love or Joy - you already have them, you just forgot! When you surrender your will to the One Who is always in control, Pain, Fear, Misery, Anger, Sickness, Depression, etc., will leave you. See Life for what it is, a TEST and you will begin to experience Peace despite your life situation because Ego will no longer have Power over you.

Now that you know the rules to the game, remember who you are and Who's you are and you'll pass every test! Ego thinks the mess it makes is real because it doesn't know any better. Ego doesn't know Truth because it doesn't know God. You have to experience God (Peace) to know Him and Ego can not exist in the presence (Peace) of God. Know this and you're ahead of the game! Now go play!!! Peace.

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