Monday, March 30, 2015

The Breath of Life

Breathing is one of the first signs to check for to see if someone is alive or dead. If breathing has been confirmed, all else are possibilities back to health. The breath of Life (breathing) is the first sign of life however it's consistently taken for granted and totally disrespected!

Because your breath is natural to you, you only acknowledge it when it's about to leave you (ex., chocking, allergy, etc.) It certainly isn't valued for what it is, a gift from God. Take a look at the state of the world to see how easy it is for one to kill another. To add insult to injury, this "inhumane" behavior is often in the name of Allah!!

Why would you expect any different? On one hand, when being challenged to raise the bar for moral responsibility of one another, "we're not perfect, we're only human", I'm not my brother's keeper"etc., is the response. In the same hand, as long as respect for Life itself is not shown to everyone you encounter, inhumane behavior is what's to be expected. What does inhumane mean anyway?!? Is that not another made up term (by Ego) to make sense of what doesn't make sense. 

In the other hand holds the one and only solution which is to understand and accept the fact that Life (your breath) is a gift from God. When you are still and grateful for being able to breath, particularly without medical assistance, is recognizing the value of it, specifically because it's a gift from God Himself. Choose to honor Him by living in gratitude. Living  by Faith despite your life situation is how that's done. That means whenever you're faced with a challenging situation, you take a step back and make sure you're being guided by the Holy Spirit otherwise Ego will do a number on you and send you into severe depression or a nervous breakdown. Do not live by sight in comparing your life to mans standards because you'll never find Peace there. 

Peace comes from God and so does the breath of life. Value it and be grateful for it by recognizing God in everyone you encounter. Do this and the disguises and tricks Ego uses to mask others and confuse you eventually disappears because Ego can not stay long in the presence of Peace. When you can do nothing else....just breath because He's the one in control of this anyway, not you. Peace

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