Wednesday, March 25, 2015


If your morning begins with two or more things that work your nerves within the first 5 minutes of waking, there are two ways the rest of your day will go. If you're not aware, Ego will use anything as a distraction to throw you off course and ruin your day. When you're absent, marinating in pain, anger, resentment, misery, shame, guilt, etc., from Past issues you refuse to let go of, it's impossible to see Ego's tricks for what they are. Distractions!

From Ego's perspective, you will see yourself as a victim, because Ego is in control, not you. You will think you're unlucky, cursed, tormented, lost, etc. You will unconsciously begin to isolate yourself from others because every/anything can set you off and send you into a tizzy! Because misery/Ego loves company and like attracts like, others will seek you out looking to feed off your negativity. The fact that you're not present to notice the physical signs that reflect what is going on in your mind at the time, is an indication your mind is preoccupied. The ironic thing is you never have to invite Ego, it takes up residency in your mind as soon as you're gone, back to the Past or lost in the Future. If the physical signs continue to be ignored, they will get stronger, stay longer, cause more pain and as a result, you ending up in the emergency room or even worse, DEAD! The lump in your throat, the tightness in your chest, the pains in your stomach, the throbbing in your head, etc., are indications for you to check out what's really going on with you.

From Holy Spirit's perspective, you will be shown clearly what is typically mistaken for anything other than what it is,  Reality! When reality "hits", you won't fall apart because you understand and  accept the fact that God is in control, not you. And because of this alone, you won't lose your shit when things don't go your way! Understanding God knows better than you what's better for you is what brings Peace. Trusting God's plan to be better than your plan is what keeps Peace. Any/all external factors that cause pain and suffering in your life is nothing to be bothered with because when looked upon through the eyes of the Holy Spirit in you whom guides you through the storm, you will see there is never a reason to not panic because of Who is leading the way!

Beware of your thoughts because they determine your feelings. Beware of your feelings because they determine your actions. Beware of your actions because they determine your character. When you know better, knowledge of what is real and what is not brings you through the Fire unscathed.  Knowledge, the Power of God, given through the Holy Spirit is already within you (you just forgot.) Allow the Holy Spirit to free your mind of the nonsense that's keeping you from moving forward.

Because your time here is limited and no one has the advantage of knowing in advance when their time is up, beware! Don't spend another minute stressing over the Past or lost, worrying about the Future. Choose instead to honor God with your life by living in gratitude for His gift of Life, despite your life situation. Because there are no levels of difficulty in God, anything and everything you bring to Him will be exchanged for Peace. You just have to let go of your "stuff" in order to experience His Peace. Be Aware. See reality for what it is, a TEST to determine with whom your loyalty lies, and your life will be changed for the better, one test at a time! Peace

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