Monday, March 23, 2015


The concept of being One is foreign simply because you have forgotten who you are. As a result, Ego, empowered by your absence or lack of knowledge/power, continues to trick you into accepting the insane idea that we are separate from one another. 

️Living by sight and not by Faith, is the reason race and religion are used to judge and determine  whether or not you will be accepted by God and given a pass to Heaven. Please know race and religion are Ego's tricks to continue to cause conflict. When left unresolved, war is not far behind. Ego knows only scarcity and lack and because you've forgotten who you are, you've been convinced that someone must win and the other must lose. As long as Ego has your loyalty, it will fight for the win, even if death is what it takes. What you don't know is Ego doesn't care who dies, just as long as it doesn't! Meanwhile what we're killing one another over is NOTHING! 

There is nothing on earth worth dying for. The notion that some believe God honors those that kill in His name is INSANE! Allow the Holy Spirit to show you the disaster we made is not worth dying over. You were not created to die for anything but to live for God. This is done by recognizing God in everyone you encounter, despite the difference in physical appearances, religious beliefs, etc., Those things do not matter because Ego made them up, God did not!

Only when it is fully understood that we (human beings) are a Spirit being, will one be able to grasp the concept that The Prince of Peace was born to establish the condition of love by teaching that communication remains unbroken even if the body is destroyed. Because the body is not needed to communicate but the mind is, being of One mind is all it takes to bring Peace. 

Peace is the result of unification/One, not separation! Because we are One, we just forgot, one never has to fight, kill or die for Peace. That's already been done and because it was ordered by God, it never has to be done again! 

Choose to be guided by the Holy Spirit and your life will change because living in Peace is incomparable to anything else. Peace

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