Friday, November 7, 2014


Ever wonder why is it in life-threatening situations are the veils of class, ethnicity, gender, age, etc., blown away with the wind? On that sunny brisk Tuesday morning - September 11th 2001 - those at the World Trade Center were suddenly stripped of those veils!

For a moment in time race, religion, political party, level of education, sexual preference, age, etc., did not matter - because they mean nothing! They meant nothing then and mean nothing today. We (human beings) give them meaning. Those veils were created by fear of what is "different" from what we know and are comfortable with. None of it matters when you're staring at death square in the face because it doesn't matter and means nothing when your mortality is being questioned. And it means nothing now.

When thoughts come in the form of anger, judgment, intolerance, revenge, jealousy, anxiety, nervousness, worry, etc., if  recognized for anything other than NOTHING, pain and suffering will certainly be your price. Yet we pay that price and are dragged around like a rag doll all throughout this thing called life. This will continue as long as those veils are given meaning. Who in this world wants to pay that price for NOTHING??? Peace

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