Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Difficult Times

Do you ever feel like life has you pinned against a wall? Ever feel like you don't know how you're going to make it through the day? What do you do - retreat, panic, shut down, lash out? How do you cope? Drinking, Eating, Not Eating, Smoking, Self medicating, etc.? Have any of these ever solved your problems? "No." You say, "but they give comfort for the time being."

Because everything is temporary, do remind yourself "This too shall pass." This reminder will ensure the pain won't last always. As much as we think we are or want to be, peace and understanding comes from knowing and accepting we are not in control. It may not make sense to you now (and may never will) but when you're able to make peace with whatever you're faced with, is when you've released it.

Because the opposite of control is release/surrender, there is really nothing more than the unknown that you're afraid of, otherwise you would value the time you have now albeit difficult for a moment. Many are forced to this point when faced with their own mortality. Ever notice how peaceful they become? Does it make sense to block your own peace and happiness from what you don't know is coming? It's either hell or heaven so choose wisely now then carry on with your life.

Difficult times come and go. How long they stay is totally up to you!

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