Saturday, September 3, 2016

You got it ALL wrong!!

Because you have forgotten Who You Really are, you've been convinced (by Ego) that getting rid of or eliminating toxic people from your life, is the answer to conflict and drama. And we wonder why there is so much conflict in the world!

Because you forgot the Truth in You, you don't recognize Truth, in spite its distressing disguises, in anyone else. Instead you believe what your physical senses tell you, when in fact they're just outwardly reflections of what's going on in the mind. A mind that is absent of Peace is full with what doesn't matter in Reality because in Reality, it makes no sense.

Getting rid of or eliminating those that no longer serve your purpose is the complete opposite of  LOVE and precisely  how Ego tricks you into believing what maintains conflict and drama is the answer to Peace. REALLY?!??

Remember Who's You are for when you do, You will be able to recognize everyone as the SAME. We, the entire human race, are One Spiritual force (LOVE) temporarily experiencing Life in physical form through the body however because we've forgotten that LOVE is our natural state of being, Ego introduced Fear to you as a substitute and offers its "protection" from LOVE with Fear. Are you beginning to see the pattern of madness here? This is ALL made up and is of Ego which uses Your Power to torture and destroy while "protecting" you from nothing, all at the same time.

Please know, LOVE needs no protection because LOVE is not threatening and can not be threatened. Let your guard down and realize its ALL been just a nightmare and it's Time to wake up! Let's not continue to suffer unnecessarily over what offers no Healing and Peace. The Past is gone, put it down and let it go!! Life is Now and nothing else matters!

Acceptance is the first step in moving forward and Forgiveness, for yourself and others, is the second step. The last step is opening your heart, your mind and your hands to reach out and extend LOVE in action (begin with a smile) and watch the miracles begin to happen right before your very eyes. Peace

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