Friday, September 23, 2016

Again we meet.

Here we are again, at a crossroads in time with a decision to make. The choices are always the same although one comes in many different forms and the other remains the same always.
One offers false promises, hopes and dreams that are at best, temporary, before they're realized for what they really are, nothing, and where Shame and Regret patiently await continued absent mindedness.
The other offers nothing however what's been forgotten is the fact that because of Who WE (the entire human race) Really are, there is nothing of Real value that can be offered or taken away. Unless and until this is remembered, confusion, chaos and conflict will continue to dominate and control every decision made in fear. Its worst case scenario will always end in Death.
Because Death is the end of Birth, not the end of Life, and because the physical body is not Who WE Really are, this realization and complete acceptance of this fact is where the one logical decision becomes clear. Fear has no place in what is Known considering fear is always of the unknown
Fear preys on what is kept in the dark, makes no sense, is unclear, confusing, confused and illogical yet because its reaction is always the same (attack in any form), the vicious cycle of revenge continues.
Knowledge, on the other hand, is Power because only what is True is clear which leaves no room for question, doubt, concern, worry, etc., is apparent yet not intimidating. Nothing Real can be threatened and is never threatening.  
There is a decision to make. LOVE or fear (which is really nothing) albeit its devastating results. Make the right choice so Shame and Regret will remain a thing of the Past. Peace   

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