Friday, September 2, 2016

The circumstance doesn't matter, the end result on the other, hand does!

Because We have forgotten Who We Really are, One People, One human race, One Body of Energy/Spirit temporarily experiencing Life in physical from through the body, We believe Life happens to us rather than for us. Because We mistakenly identify with the body as Who We are, Ego must step in because the body itself is useless, meaningless and powerless which is exactly where Ego does its damage.
The mind has been so covered up and blinded by what makes absolutely no sense, i.e., the texture of nappy hair is seen as unruly and unprofessional, to be in a different income bracket is considered either inferior or superior to another, to nurse a suckling baby in public is considered indecent, to not have English as the primary spoken language is seen as foreign; to have black skin and be male is considered a threat and hostile/dangerous; how absurd! These and countless other examples are simply the result of Fear and Ego is culprit behind it ALL.
The answer to the madness is to accept and fully understand We are not the body. The body is how  Ego maintains separation through Conflict and Drama. From Ego's perspective no one and/or nothing is trustworthy and so its guard must remain up at all times. Because We have forgotten the Power within, We've been convinced, by Ego, We are powerless and need its "protection" which is to "never forget" and "never let your guard down." Ha! Ego lives in the Past which explains why forgiveness is never the solution and from Ego's perspective, forgiveness is actually quite suicidal because of the risk of being vulnerable and the chances of getting hurt/disappointed (again) not only increases but is to be expected.
Remember Who You are, a PERFECT creation of LOVE, that has been given an amazing gift (your BREATH) to (temporarily) experience Life through the body. Because the breath of Life is guaranteed to no one, please be reminded to accept whatever you're going through, no matter how upsetting/challenging it may be right now, as a Test and the reason for it is simply to learn from it. It is only at this point that Sanity returns to the mind because Truth sheds light on what makes no sense.
You are a beacon of Light. Remember that and let it shine so bright that it leaves no room for Ego to hide. We are One. The circumstance never matters - that is just one of Ego's clever tricks to distract you with meaningless details. Choose to remember Who's Your are and the control you thought you have to maintain will be released from you as if "the world had been lifted off your shoulders." This is where the "Peace that surpasses ALL understanding" is experienced and that is the best result in the world!  Peace

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