Thursday, September 8, 2016

You can't give what you don't even know you have.

Despite sporadic moments of clarity, typically brought on by a Life changing experience (ie., birth, loss, death scare, health scare, etc.,) the mind tends to return to what is confusing and makes no sense simply because ego prefers it that way!

Unless and until Truth is recognized for what it Really is, LOVE, ego will continue to control the mind with Fear, always leaving situations worse off than they were before ego arrived on the scene.

Because you don't remember Who You Really are (LOVE,) ego takes complete advantage of your absentmindedness and attacks using Fear as its only weapon. The fact that Fear has no Power is very well known to ego however the fact that You forgot the Truth of Who You Really are, is precisely how ego takes over and uses Your Power always for its benefit only.

Considering ego is selfish at best and savage at its worst, one doesn't have look farther than their own backyard to witness the evidence left in ego's wake. It's known for leaving behind Shame, Confusion, Disbelief and Regret as a token of appreciation for Your lack of awareness which only happens when Fear is the distraction. 

Remember, the True essence of Who You Really are is LOVE. It is only from this point that Fear, in others, be recognized for the cry for help it Really is. LOVE is when attack is no longer the typical reaction because Healing is the desired result which always bring Peace. Peace

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