Sunday, September 4, 2016

The game is made up, that's why the rules make no sense.

Because you have forgotten Who You are, a PERFECT creation of LOVE in Spirit, temporarily experiencing Life through the physical form, body, you mistakenly confuse the body as You. This is where the problem lies. Considering the body is useless on  its  own, you've been convinced (by ego) that you're weak and powerless without ego to protect you lest you become a "door mat."

That mentality is ego's way of thinking and it's always "me and mine before you and yours." When You remember Who's You are, the need for protection will be recognized for the joke it really is. You are LOVE and what could possibly threaten LOVE?? Only what is made up and not True, in constant Fear of being pointed out and recognized for what it really is, nothing

You are not the body. and when that is remembered (during the next test,) attack in any form will be seen exactly for what it really is, just another one of ego's ploys to trip you up and throw You off course. DON'T FALL FOR IT!!!

It's time to wake up and realize ego is the cause of the problem which is only and always Fear. When you lost sight of what is Real, LOVE, Truth became covered up with lies ego told you in order to keep you in Fear. It's time to remove the blinders and look, with blameless eyes, at the damage done and decide, "this is enough!" Or the madness continues.

What was intended for good has been turned into a nightmare of Fear. Wake up! Understand, because it's ALL made up, it makes no sense which is why there are no questions when LOVE is the only answer. There is immediate Healing because LOVE is the  only cure. Words are not necessary because LOVE is the universal language which is always understood and how Peace established. Peace

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