Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Do NOT lose focus!

When fear enters the mind, vision becomes cloudy and any decision made in this state is left with regret and shame because judgement was made in error. What is obvious, when in the right state of mind, is considered illogical when fear has taken over. At this point, anything goes. One does not  have to go far to witness this fact.

Precisely when Life seems to make no sense whatsoever, because of all the senselessness that is happening currently, choose to remember Truth. Nothing Real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists. 

It ALL begins in the mind, and is then projected outward. This is the case whether or not there is intent. The mind is a beautiful and powerful tool yet when Truth is remembered, the mind is not called upon because there is nothing to “think” about. 

When operating in Truth, there is simply a Knowing which has nothing to do with intent, shame or regret. Truth is what it is, and because this is so, acceptance  of Truth “sets you free”. Because Time is guaranteed to no one, do not waste it on what does not matter (fear). 

Truth is, only LOVE is Real. Everything else is made up by ego. You know this, you just forgot. We (human BEings) have been tricked into believing what the eye reports is real. Truth is, You are, LOVE, expressed in a temporary physical human form. You know this too, you just forgot

Remember Truth (LOVE) by reconnecting with your inner BEing and 1. Know there is nothing to fear (ever). It’s ALL made up in the mind by ego. 2. Know Time here on earth is precious yet limited with an unknown expiration date so choose wisely and BE You (LOVE) fearless! 3. Be Present (NOW,) and allow LOVE to be your guide. 

Choose LOVE and the vision of Life’s purpose will be crystal clear. Remember Truth and fear will no longer be an issue. BREATHE. BE still (NOW) to experience Peace beyond understanding. Peace

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