Saturday, April 11, 2020

Do not waste precious Time.

The moment one comes to recognize the Truth, guilt instantly becomes part of the Past - where it belongs because it serves no Real purpose other than to keep imprisoned by not forgiving. 

The Past is where all records are kept and the mind works like elephants who never forget when it comes to ego. Hence the saying “forgive but do not forget”. This formula was made up by ego which is why Peace is never the result. The formula is wrong but you’d have to remember Truth to see that error. You know Truth, You just forgot

Only Truth stands the tests of Time because Truth was/is before Time and will still be when there is no more Time. Truth does not change over Time which explains why Truth is not taught. Truth is innate

What is taught are lies! Ego comes in to play the moment Truth is forgotten. It can’t be lost because Truth is within however when forgotten, the damage can be devastating. This is precisely where the error in ego’s formula is found. 

The solution (Peace of mind) is only experienced when Truth is recognized and accepted  for what it is (Reality) and not what it would, should, could’ve been. This can only be done when the formula - to playing the game of Life well,  is corrected.

Here is the solution. Remove ego from the equation and there is no longer a problem. Otherwise you will continue to believe, not forgetting is what protects one from another when in fact, the complete opposite is true. 

Let’s set the record clear. Lies hurt, not Truth. Truth holds no records because Truth is timeless! Truth is always Present (NOW) and that is why only “Truth sets you free ” where ego keeps you imprisoned in the Past with guilt.

BE Still. Remember who You are (LOVE) so to experience Peace of mind and the Joy of (finally) letting go. It can not be done for you. It’s a choice. The Time it takes is completely up to you. Just remember Time is guaranteed to no one so use it wisely. Peace

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