Sunday, May 24, 2020

Gratitude comes from within.

Because Time is a precious gift too often taken for granted, the meaning (point) of Life - to BE in the moment, is missed entirely. Considering NOW is always and only where “magic/miracles” happen, the point is to be Present in order to experience the effects of its Power because they do not happen in the Past or Future. Always and only in the NOW. 

What we are experiencing, on a global level, can be seen as a sign or lesson that requires our attention. Fear however has taken over and rather than make clear what is obvious (Reality), confusion and panic is what makes matters worse. 

What WE (human BEings) have forgotten is the fact that we are not in control (of outside circumstances). What is important to remember is WE do have the ability to control how we navigate  through Life’s challenges. 

When WE remember the True essence of our BEing (LOVE), Gratitude replaces fear because Time is once again recognized for the precious gift it is. Which by the way is guaranteed to no one

Choose to remember Life here on earth is an experience and our Time here has an unknown expiration date. When Life is lived in a state of Gratitude, breathing can be seen for the miracle it is! Ask an asthmatic.  Start there. 

BE Grateful. BE Humble. BE Present. BE Still. And begin to watch the “magic/miracles” happen right before your very eyes. Peace

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