Saturday, December 17, 2016

You are what you SEE!

What we're seeing reported on the news, printed in the newspapers, posted on social media is merely a reflection of what is happening in the mind.  Because WE (human beings) have forgotten the True nature of our BEingness, LOVE, fear has set in. It is always at this point that "problems" are to be expected because WE have been tricked by fear. 

The  good news is because there is nothing to fear, half the problem is already solved! The point is to remember that the next time you're face to face with fear! Because ego is the culprit and uses fear to dominate, intimidate, terrorize, confuse, control, attack, etc., it leaves little to wonder why WE see such madness in the news and feel so hopeless as a result. 

The only solution to what may seem like a negative situation, no matter how challenging, is to remember Truth. Truth will always make crystal clear what ego disguised with layers and layers of lies. One must however be willing to see Truth, by accepting what it is. Denial is another trick ego uses in moments of desperation in order to not face Truth.

Truth is, WE, the entire human race, are ONE and the same - LOVE. Truth is, only LOVE is RealTruth is, because Man - that includes women, children, gay, straight, ALL religions and no religion, ALL races, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, excluding no one, was created in His image (LOVE)

Choose to remember the Power within, LOVE, and you will see clearly the damage caused by fear - and over what? Nothing. Culprit? Ego. 

You are LOVE. Remember this and remind others of this too! LOVE recognizes LOVE. Because LOVE is a state of BEing, words are not necessary. Because LOVE is what it is, (Truth) it requires nothing, asks for nothing and expects nothing. Because LOVE poses no threat, LOVE fears nothing. That's YOU! Peace

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