Friday, December 16, 2016

My hands are tied.

Although it is quite apparent help is needed to end the madness of inhumane behavior toward another the common response is to do the opposite - watch, in horror!

Because WE (humanity) have lost "sight" of Truth, the experience of HELL (right here) on earth is reported daily. Live footage of women and children executed in broad daylight. An infant covered in blood and soot, lifeless in his fathers hands. The fathers eyes, empty, as if saying to the cameras "look at what we have become!"

Because Truth is what it is - has never changed and will never change - Truth is the only way to stop the insanity!! Part of the insanity is to have the ability to help but choose to not for (fear) of ten million reasons, of which not one will justify that reason. "We would but that is beyond our jurisdiction, our hands are tied" is one of the most commonly known cop outs!

It's been said "we're running out of time" however because NOW is all one ever really has, it is to be completely understood the time to help/act is always NOW. The ability to help is a privilege and when lived in Gratitude by helping when help is needed, the benefits (blessings) are multiplied beyond just those directly impacted.

Truth is WE (human beings) are LOVE. LOVE is the essence of our True nature - WE just forgot. Drop down your guard. There is nothing to fear. LOVE is not overbearing. LOVE poses no threat. LOVE loosens ALL unwanted ties. LOVE is what binds us together because Truth is, WE are ONE. Peace

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