Thursday, December 8, 2016

Power is in the WHOLE.

The notion that strength is found in numbers derives from the fact that Power is found in the WHOLE. To separate (divide) is precisely the cause of weakness considering WE (the entire human race) are ONE and so indivisible.

Because WE (the entire human race) forget Truth doesn't change Truth however what it does is make space for ego to slide in, take over and start making problems where there were none. Problems are brought on by conflict and ego is the root cause of ALL conflict.

Remember the Truth about Who You Really are (LOVE) and You will see conflict as clear as day, a mile  away! LOVE reminds You to see conflict for what it Really is, a cry for help! Only when LOVE is offered the chance to respond in Truth - it knows no other state - is ego forced to retreat (of its own accord). The light of Truth reveals, what seems to be threatening in the dark shadows of fear, what is really nothing but lies!  It was ALL made up (by ego) while WE (the entire human race) were  lost in fear.

Because Truth doesn't change, it isn't taught - its innately within each and every living creature. Remember You (LOVE) the next time you see conflict and watch it dissolve before your very eyes. The only thing required is the invitation of which ego knows not considering it imposes itself which causes conflict. Choose instead to not react but respond in LOVE where Truth is revealed and Peace is experienced. Peace

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