Sunday, June 5, 2016

There is no place like Home.

It's been said "we are not from here, we are just passersby," but the meaning of this saying has yet to be fully understood and accepted because it's translation has been misinterpreted. The "we" has been taken from We ALL, misrepresented and taken to believe in "we, seperation from others," which is precisely where the problem lies.

Remember and get to Know the Real You which by the way is not your physical body. Because what is Real does not change, what is Real is not born and so does not die. Although you were born in physical form, the essence of Who You are, LOVE, will still be when your body expires. You Know this because what is Real does not change and although the essence of Who You are (Love) has been forgotten, the efficacy of its Power remains because what is Real does not change.

It's in remembering Truth, that which is Real and does not change, will Peace be gladly welcomed. Peace comes from remembering what is Real can not be threatened. It's in remembering Who You are that Surrender comes because You recognize Truth for what it is and not this other made up stuff that makes no sense but provides (a false sense of) security.

Please do not confuse Ego's meaning for surrender (quitting/giving up,) with its true meaning, giving in. You give in when you're ready to admit, by self recognition, there is something deeper, something of more value, to the point of Life. It is at this point some "Soul searching" begins to take place but because it was never lost (you just forgot) you never have to search for very long.

Your Sole purpose from this point on is to remind others of what You now remember. This is what brings Peace because what is remembered as ONE is conflict free. Home is where Love is, everywhere, and for everyone. That my friends is called Heaven which is experienced right here on earth. Peace

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