Sunday, November 15, 2015


Imagine - to form a mental imagine of something that is not present or is not the case.

Grief is the result of action taken because the Truth of the matter has been forgotten. Years and years of being misled, by Ego, in the form of Fear has left an opaque layer of deceit so thick, Truth is  unrecognizable at first glance. 

We, the human race, have been under a spell/deep trance for so long even the concept of Truth is foreign. Ego is so clever, an explanation followed by "but" covers up and yet again dismisses Truth as if it's irrelevant or worse, doesn't make sense. An example of this is - Truth: "We are One and the Same." Ego: "Yes, but there are people in the world that are full of hate and don't care about the lives of innocent people - they will never change."

If you look closely, you will notice Truth just states the fact, Ego however has once again performed magic/deception by 1. disregarding the fact which is "We are one and the same 2. Introduces separation which brings Fear, "They" as opposed to We. And 3. Confirms the future is doomed "they will never change." which is cause for whatever it takes to protect yourself. 

Ego is "clever" in a sense that it brainwashes the opposing side with the exact same formula which causes and maintains conflict and drama. These two components are precisely what keeps Ego alive and well in a world of confusion and grief.

Do not continue to be discouraged because all of what you once believed to be true was made up in the mind and is not True. What Ego needs to keep you blind to is this - LOVE is the (only) answer. Ego must keep this from you because where LOVE is, Ego is not and where Ego is not, so goes conflict and drama. 

This is where Peace is experienced. And the wonderful thing about Peace is, to imagine Peace is to BE in Peace. Peace can not be imagined when in a hostile state. Close your eyes and imagine Peace and you're already in Peace for Peace is an experience that derives from within and not some far away place you need to work hard or pray hard to get to. 

just IMAGINE...Peace

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