Thursday, November 12, 2015


Desires - A strong feeling of wanting something or wishing for something to happen. 

Somewhere along the way, you've lost the Truth of who you really are which calls for correction in order to appreciate this message. Somehow you've become identified with your physical form and have mistaken who you are, a Spiritual Being, with where your Spirit is housed, in the body.  

This misconception is the main reason Death seems so "unnatural," yet because nothing on earth lasts forever, Death is as much a part of Life as Birth. When this fact is pointed out, it seems to make sense logically however accepting Death is too often rejected because of the Pain that's associated with it. 

We are really Spiritual Beings having a Human experience while occupying this place, earth, in temporary form (body.) When the body expires, Spirit (which is Eternal and never dies) is to be seen as just moving from one room to another or taking off its outer shell/garment. When Death is looked upon from this perspective, it is then seen as nothing to Fear.

Now that you have a better understanding of who you really are, Spirit, lets clarify the meaning of Life. It was created by God to be experienced in the Here and Now. The Now is where Life is experienced because experience can not happen in the Past which is done and gone. Experience can not be felt in the Future because it does not yet exist. 

God created man, (perfect - whole - lacking nothing) "in His image" Spirit, however somewhere along the way, you've become confused and have mistakenly identified yourself with the physical form (body.) Because all forms are temporary, you, a Spirit Being created perfect by God, are eternal life. Your physical form on the other hand was made for the experience of Life on earth. 

When you can sit with this reality and accept it for the Truth that it is, desires will be of no use to you because you will come to know you already have everything you need Now. Enjoy it, cherish it, be grateful for it because it's priceless and beats any desire one could ever have...BREATH and wake up to you gift - it's called Life. Peace

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