Thursday, December 29, 2016

It had to happen this way.

Because the majority is distracted and entangled by what never matters in the end [details], the typical reaction to an offense is retaliation. Considering retaliation is to make a counterattack and return like for like, especially evil for evil, to expect a positive outcome confirms the lesson has yet to be learned. 

To expect a positive outcome from a negative situation, using a reactive formula is a clear indication the mind has been taken over by ego. Retaliation is a decision made by emotion which is a sign of immaturity.  Experience is required for correction, not age.

Whenever ego gets involved, the focus is no longer about the general welfare of the whole. On the contrary, the slightest indication of ego is all that's needed for conflict and drama to soon follow. This is because ego always has something to prove, Truth, on the other hand doesn't.

Because Truth is what it ishas never changed and will never change, it alone is what gives Hope. It is only when reminded of Truth that retaliation is clearly seen as harmful and not helpful. Truth does not react. Truth stands firm in its foundation of LOVE. 

Because LOVE is what it ishas never changed and will never change, it alone is what brings Peace, first of the mind, which is then experienced on earth. Choose to remember who You Really are, LOVE, and the Power of Truth will remind you there is never a valid reason to retaliate. Why? Because details never matter when it comes to LOVE. Peace

Saturday, December 17, 2016

You are what you SEE!

What we're seeing reported on the news, printed in the newspapers, posted on social media is merely a reflection of what is happening in the mind.  Because WE (human beings) have forgotten the True nature of our BEingness, LOVE, fear has set in. It is always at this point that "problems" are to be expected because WE have been tricked by fear. 

The  good news is because there is nothing to fear, half the problem is already solved! The point is to remember that the next time you're face to face with fear! Because ego is the culprit and uses fear to dominate, intimidate, terrorize, confuse, control, attack, etc., it leaves little to wonder why WE see such madness in the news and feel so hopeless as a result. 

The only solution to what may seem like a negative situation, no matter how challenging, is to remember Truth. Truth will always make crystal clear what ego disguised with layers and layers of lies. One must however be willing to see Truth, by accepting what it is. Denial is another trick ego uses in moments of desperation in order to not face Truth.

Truth is, WE, the entire human race, are ONE and the same - LOVE. Truth is, only LOVE is RealTruth is, because Man - that includes women, children, gay, straight, ALL religions and no religion, ALL races, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, excluding no one, was created in His image (LOVE)

Choose to remember the Power within, LOVE, and you will see clearly the damage caused by fear - and over what? Nothing. Culprit? Ego. 

You are LOVE. Remember this and remind others of this too! LOVE recognizes LOVE. Because LOVE is a state of BEing, words are not necessary. Because LOVE is what it is, (Truth) it requires nothing, asks for nothing and expects nothing. Because LOVE poses no threat, LOVE fears nothing. That's YOU! Peace

Friday, December 16, 2016

My hands are tied.

Although it is quite apparent help is needed to end the madness of inhumane behavior toward another the common response is to do the opposite - watch, in horror!

Because WE (humanity) have lost "sight" of Truth, the experience of HELL (right here) on earth is reported daily. Live footage of women and children executed in broad daylight. An infant covered in blood and soot, lifeless in his fathers hands. The fathers eyes, empty, as if saying to the cameras "look at what we have become!"

Because Truth is what it is - has never changed and will never change - Truth is the only way to stop the insanity!! Part of the insanity is to have the ability to help but choose to not for (fear) of ten million reasons, of which not one will justify that reason. "We would but that is beyond our jurisdiction, our hands are tied" is one of the most commonly known cop outs!

It's been said "we're running out of time" however because NOW is all one ever really has, it is to be completely understood the time to help/act is always NOW. The ability to help is a privilege and when lived in Gratitude by helping when help is needed, the benefits (blessings) are multiplied beyond just those directly impacted.

Truth is WE (human beings) are LOVE. LOVE is the essence of our True nature - WE just forgot. Drop down your guard. There is nothing to fear. LOVE is not overbearing. LOVE poses no threat. LOVE loosens ALL unwanted ties. LOVE is what binds us together because Truth is, WE are ONE. Peace

Friday, December 9, 2016

As within, so without.

Because WE (the entire human race) create  - both good and bad - with the thoughts we entertain in the mind, the issue is not with the results thoughts produce but rather the reaction to them, because reactions cause problems.

Because WE (the entire human race) have forgotten Who WE Really are, fear takes over. It's from here, Denial sets in and plays a major role in using every opportunity to distract and keep the mind from (rememberingTruth.

Denial is precisely what has been and continues to be one of the fundamental reasons Suffering continues to plague mankind! To identify with/as anything and/or anyone is to separate out and this is where conflict comes in to play. Inferiority/Superiority, seniority, idolization, etc., are all forms of ego in disguise...don't be fooled!

What has been forgotten is the fact that WE are ONE and the same. In spite of what appears to be our "differences," (race, religion, sexuality, gender, etc.,) this fact will remain the same always and for ever. Unless and until Truth is clearly recognized and fully accepted for what it Really is, (LOVE,) Suffering will continue to loom as a constant reminder that only LOVE brings Peace.

Choose to remember Who You Really are, LOVE so to BE the Peace WE (the entire human race) eagerly desire to experience. This is done by reconnecting with Your inner Power (LOVE). Staying in this state (however brief) is where positive, effective change begins - first in the mind, then reflected outwardly where it's results, "miracles," are  manifested!

It ALL begins on the inside (first). Ego reacts to everything and makes a huge deal about nothing which causes problems.  LOVE responds to ALL because LOVE is the only solution. Peace

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Power is in the WHOLE.

The notion that strength is found in numbers derives from the fact that Power is found in the WHOLE. To separate (divide) is precisely the cause of weakness considering WE (the entire human race) are ONE and so indivisible.

Because WE (the entire human race) forget Truth doesn't change Truth however what it does is make space for ego to slide in, take over and start making problems where there were none. Problems are brought on by conflict and ego is the root cause of ALL conflict.

Remember the Truth about Who You Really are (LOVE) and You will see conflict as clear as day, a mile  away! LOVE reminds You to see conflict for what it Really is, a cry for help! Only when LOVE is offered the chance to respond in Truth - it knows no other state - is ego forced to retreat (of its own accord). The light of Truth reveals, what seems to be threatening in the dark shadows of fear, what is really nothing but lies!  It was ALL made up (by ego) while WE (the entire human race) were  lost in fear.

Because Truth doesn't change, it isn't taught - its innately within each and every living creature. Remember You (LOVE) the next time you see conflict and watch it dissolve before your very eyes. The only thing required is the invitation of which ego knows not considering it imposes itself which causes conflict. Choose instead to not react but respond in LOVE where Truth is revealed and Peace is experienced. Peace

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Pay attention to what is happening!

History continues to repeat itself, by presenting the same message in different scenarios, because WE (humanity) have forgotten it. It doesn't take much effort to realize history will continue to repeat the  same message considering it's been doing so since the beginning of time and will do so until WE completely accept this message. 

Fear in the form of denial is precisely what causes Suffering and is the main reason WE must wake up NOW or expect more of the same and worse. Fear offers nothing better!

Because WE have forgotten who WE Really are, fear takes over. The moment the Power within is forgotten, ego appears and this is precisely where the problems begin. Because ego maintains its existence on nothing but lies, the moment Truth is recognized for what it Really is, ego cowers from   the glare that Truth emanates. Understand, "the truth hurts" is in reference to ego. Truth liberates anyone willing to step out of denial

Because Truth is not of this world, it can't be lost but forgotten. It can't be bought or sold and so is priceless. Its not taught because its innate. The message history continuously repeats is the fact that WE too are not of this world, our time here is temporary

The time to wake up to the fact that we are not our physical body is NOW. The time to wake up to the fact that WE are not the labels WE wear (race, religion, political party, gender, etc.) is NOW. They are the roles WE chose before coming here. Unless and until it is recognized that EVERYONE plays a significant role in this play called LIFE, ego will continue to run the show. 

Choose to remember who YOU Really are, LOVE, so the heavy curtains (Black, White, Mexican, Asian, Gay, Straight, Christian, Jehovah Witness, Atheist, Muslim, Jew, Conservative, Democrat, Liberal, Rich, Poor, Disabled, Young, Old, etc.,) will close on that scene once and for ALL. Peace

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

That was before you betrayed me!

Because only ego sets conditions, for your "protection," the end result is bound for failure. The very notion that protection is needed is a bet against the "agreement" working favorably for all parties.  Because ego lives in the past, it uses fear to convince you to do otherwise would be foolish if not insane! 

Whenever fear plays the lead role in any situation, all sorts of scenarios are played out in the imagination about how awful it may turn out causing reactions that are deemed unjustified. When has a decision made in fear render results that are deemed justifiable? The just, fair, righteous, good, honorable are not found in fear. Fear brings conflict and chaos because there is no logic in fear - only confusion over what makes no sense in the first place. Fear is a choice not an illness so choose wisely or you'll most certainly end up ill - first in the mind which is always then reflected in the body. 

Because no one and no thing comes before ego, "agreements" will always end in sacrifice/loss the moment its condition(s) are not met. This allows for agreements to be broken hence the need for your "protection". Choose to remember Truth - the Power within, LOVE. Because LOVE doesn't require anything. LOVE is a state of BEing that brings Peace irrespective of the most horrific life situation because LOVE is unconditional! 

Tap into the Power of Your True nature, LOVE, and You'll remember that which is eternal, LOVE, is the only thing that heals (by forgiving) what ego holds in resentment as betrayal. Peace

What have we learned from the last time this happened???

History repeats itself for the sole purpose of providing yet another opportunity to live by example and remember what has been forgotten but never lost. When Truth is forgotten, vision - what Really matters - becomes blurred by what will pass (life situations).
Because only Truth brings light to ALL situations, suffering is to be expected  whenever Truth is denied and kept in the dark. Considering only Truth is the solution to ALL problems, Peace of mind is reestablished the moment Truth is accepted for what it is (LOVE). Because LOVE is a state of BEing, Peace within radiates outward and is then experienced.
There are two fundamental errors that need correction. 1. "the Truth hurts". Correction - only Truth brings Peace. 2. "love hurts". Correction - only LOVE heals!
Choose to not allow yourself to get caught up in the details of what never matters, life situations. Because they change, each situation/test [however challenging] is to provide another opportunity to remember the Truth within. It is only from this point can You then get still as You go through life situations rather than continue to get overtaken by them. Be Still. This too shall pass.
Remember the Truth within You (LOVE). Remember nothing Real can be threatened. Use BE LOVE in response to ALL situations because only fear reacts to what never matters. Peace  

Monday, November 28, 2016

Finding your way.

The realization of who You Really are, at the core of your very being, is all that's required to give you a sense of comfort and bring you back to the state of Peace - in spite of your life situation. Because this state is Your True nature, it is remembered when reminded of Truth - nothing Real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists.  
Because LOVE is Your natural state of BEing, Truth is recognized when the light of its Power shines away the lies of what poses no threat in the presence of LOVE (fear!). Fear and LOVE do not share the same space, precisely because LOVE is all encompassing, meaning everything else is made up. This explains why it is pointless to try and find logic where there is none. Truth is the only reliable foundation because Truth does not change (ever!).
Choose to remember the Power within (LOVE). Because LOVE is selfless, only LOVE can recognize what ego conceals in fear. Remember, only LOVE is Real everything else is made up.
Return to Your True nature, LOVE, and You will remember, because of who You Really are, You are exactly where you're supposed to be. Be still and allow Life to support and provide for you. This is done by first accepting Truth then recognizing Truth in You. At this point, You will come to see You were never lost, you just forgot Your inner guide, LOVE. Peace 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A little focus please!

With so much going on in the world, much of which is the result of fear, there is little to no wonder why its so easy to get distracted and lose sight of what really matters. Whenever fear  is on the scene (in the mind), conflict and drama is expected at some point, first within then outwardly.
Because we (human beings) have forgotten the True essence of our being, LOVE, ego slides in the incessant thinking mind and takes over to "protect" you. What has also been forgotten is the fact that nothing Real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists. Ego makes it (ALL) up in the mind and because we (human beings) have forgotten Truth, we believe what is made up, makes no sense yet will sacrifice Peace in the name of justice (but because of fear) will manifests itself in the form of revenge.  
Decisions made in fear are guaranteed to end in regret considering the one thing that is absent in fear, Knowledge, (Power) is the very thing that reestablishes Peace - first within then outwardly. Because Peace is a state of BEing, the decision to stay in that state must be made on a consistent basis for no other reason than ego being relentless in its mission to initiate and maintain conflict and drama - for no reason at all.   
Choose to remain focused on what Really matters - the fact that we (the entire human race)  are One and the SAME (LOVE) so fear will be a thing of the Past. The experience of Peace will be the gift  as LOVE is recognized for its healing purposes and no longer something to fear.
Take a deep breath - it's gonna be alright. Peace

Friday, November 18, 2016


To give way (Surrender) to what is, allows for infinite possibilities that bring the best possible outcome (Peace). Peace is the guaranteed final experience considering Clarity/Awareness is first required before the decision (to Surrender) is made.
Because ego lives in the past, its perspective is clouded/disillusioned by what no longer exists yet continues to torment the mind with thoughts that bring feelings of regret, shame, anger, hatred, resentment, blame, etc.,.   
When in the grip of fear, the root cause of all negative thoughts/feelings, despair is the experience  felt because ego uses fear as a distraction from what is Real (Truth). Although Truth can not be taught, it has (apparently) been forgotten
It is only from a point of Clarity that Truth is recognized. Because Truth doesn't change, it may take a while for the eye/mind to adjust to its light. Denial plays a major role in the amount of time used to get to this point. Guess who's culprit behind refusing to accept Truth for what it is??? Yep. ego.
When the decision to yield  rather than react is made, Truth is remembered and Peace is reestablished, first in the mind then extended  outwardly. Why? Because Truth - WE, the entire human race are ONE and the SAME (LOVE) - reminds us that nothing Real can be threatened. What is there to fear that poses no threat?
Be still. Remember Who You are - LOVE. Peace.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Where does your attention go?

Because ego LOVES attention, it doesn't take much to get a performance. Because ego is only about "me, myself and i", loyalty is not one of its character traits but will guarantee to put on a show considering the goal is always for the spot light! 

Selfishness, greed and arrogance are of ego which inevitably brings conflict  - albeit only to those that have forgotten Who He/She Really is. This explains the divide we see and experience in (too) many relationships. Because ego is on borrowed time, it doesn't take much to disguise Truth with what doesn't matter, lies, so to keep you in the Past (where ego lives).

In spite of what the eyes report, Truth remains the same always and for ever. Feelings of defeat, despair, anger and hate, etc., come from fear and are not to be taken seriously because unlike Truth, feelings do change. Unless and until Truth is first recognized then accepted for what it Really is and no longer what it's believed to be, ego will continue to use fear as its weapon for your "protection" if/when there is a benefit and/or a reward to claim. It will just as easily use fear against you in order to maintain control of the chaos. Remember ego has no loyalty.

Rather than focus on what never matters, fear, choose to redirect your attention to what does matter, LOVE. LOVE is Who WE (the entire human race) are at the very core of our being. This part of us was lost and forgotten about when fear came on the scene. The beautiful thing about it all is the fact that because LOVE is not of this physical world, it, like You, which is the only Truth, remains the same always and for ever.

Know this. Only LOVE is Real. Nothing unreal exists (fear). WE are ONE and the SAME (LOVE). There is nothing to fear. Wake up and remember Truth. That which is Real isn't taught it's recognized. LOVE recognizes LOVE and extends itself. Words are not necessary when there is no need to explain because Peace is always the guaranteed experience. Peace


Monday, November 14, 2016


In moments of confusion and chaos, despair is often the experience many foresee when fear is running the show. When in the state of fear, problems are the focus which is why the solution is not found. Conflict then becomes an issue, first, within yourself then with any/everyone that does not share your views. 
Fear will never see things clearly and/or rationally because its perspective is blurred with what is made up and not Real yet believed to be True. That which is made up changes over time because it has no fortitude. What is not Real can not stay hidden in the dark forever considering what is not Real does not exist. Suffering will cease the moment we (the entire human race) recognize this fact by remembering the light of Truth that is always within. 
This Truth is called LOVE. When life seems like it's about to bottom out on you, GET A GRIP! Realize the Truth in You which can only be accessed through total awareness. One of the most effective methods of reaching this point of total awareness is by taking slow deep cleansing breaths. To be aware of your breathing takes your attention which is needed  to bring You back to what matters (NOW).
"Letting go of inner resistance, you often find circumstances change for the better." Eckhart Tolle Fear resists what is because it finds Truth too painful to accept.  Denial is the culprit behind suffering which is always the result of refusing to accept what is. Please know, acceptance is the first step toward Truth, it is not the final step. Peace (of mind) is the end result of facing fear and accepting Truth  for what it Really is and  no longer what fear tricked you into believing it is.
Here is the one Truth that WE ALL can depend on, LOVE. As fear grips, trapping its victims in a prison of torment, LOVE offers itself as the only grip that provides Clarity, Stability, Harmony, Joy and Peace. All it takes is the willingness to focus on a what it is we want to see in this world. If its Peace on earth, LOVE is the only thing that will get us there! Peace

Saturday, November 12, 2016

And still WE rise.

Considering all that humanity has gone through from the beginning of time to this very moment, the fact that fear still manages to control the mind explains why the progression of humanity continues to slip downward.
The phrase hindsight is 20/20 implies what was once viewed in the Past as one way (unclear, confusing, uncomfortable, etc.) is corrected with clarity (Truth) once confronted with the situation and/or after it has already passed.
What must be remembered here, is this one fact; solely because of Who's You are,  all that happens "to" you is powerless unless and until you give it your Power. Because this Power is not of this world, it can never be destroyed although its quite apparent what happens when this Power is misused.
Because of Who You Really are at the True essence of Your very being, any/all challenges, upsets, etc., can be seen from its True perspective if/when You are willing to face fear. The will itself is enough of an opening to shine the light of Truth on what may seem horrifying. Positive change comes from remembering Your True nature, LOVE, and all that worried, frightened, upset, annoyed, hurt, offended and angered you, etc., will be seen as the nothingness they Really are.

Your breath is a gift to be cherished and the only reason for it is to experience the Joy of Life. This is done by living in Peace and Harmony first within yourself then with ALL fellow man and woman. Life circumstances are tests that come as life lessons. When the lesson that circumstance came to teach is learned, not only will we continue together as ONE people, we will experience the greatest Power in the world, LOVE.

Remember Your Power, LOVE. Only LOVE heals. Peace


Thursday, November 10, 2016

We ALL have a responsibility.

We, the entire human race, have a responsibility. We ought not get distracted by what may seem like DOOM. The ability to respond rather than react to what many view as a death sentence is where the Power for positive change is found. 

It is imperative that we remember when fear is the motivating factor, more of the same and worse is not only to be expected but guaranteed. History has repeated this lesson to us innumerous times yet the lesson has yet to be learned which explains the divide we're experiencing today. 

Unless and until (only) LOVE is the motivating force, Real change will continue to be something to look forward to and hope for. Considering those are things of the future, the NOW will remain anywhere between a low level state of unease at best or shear pandemonium at its highest peak of unrest. 

The one and only proper response to any/all negativity is LOVE primarily because nothing else provides Real change which is the only True answer. Anything else offers an answer that may seem right at the time but will not last because only LOVE is Real. 

Considering We, the entire human race, are LOVE, the answer is already within. Fear becomes an issue when we forget that LOVE is the essence of our True nature. Let us ALL respond by looking within for the change we want to see. There is no fear in LOVE and so no reason to react. Instead, be still for a moment, regain your awareness and all of what you're afraid of will be exposed for the powerless, nothingness fear really is. 

Do not waste your precious energy on what never matters in the long run (fear). Choose to remain centered in LOVE and the Joy, Healing and Peace that comes with LOVE will be an experience will can ALL have together as ONE people. Peace


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A chance encounter

Heart beating through his chest, he gathered up the nerve to tell her, to let her know how he feels and to ask her out on a date. 

He pushed his way past fear, grabbed a folding chair on the way toward his unknown destiny, turned it backwards and straddled it...right next to the chair she was sitting in!

He said, startling her, "You don't know me, but I've been watching you and I like you. I don't normally do this but I'd like to take you out to eat one day, you don't have to give me an answer right now but just know I'll be back for one!" And just like that, he was gone!

Fast forward almost thirty years later, their friendship is dangling by a hairline thread. The details of how it got to this condition is not as nearly as important as what is keeping that thread from popping!

Everything in life happens for a reason yet unless and until that reason is first realized then understood, the lesson it came to teach will go unrecognized and the whole point, missed. 

Because there is a reason for everything, every opportunity made available is taken however acceptance/willingness/openness must be  offered for the lesson to be received and understood

Only from this point is the gift of Knowlege recognized. Recognize is appropriate here as opposed to  conceptualize because Truth stands on its own - words are not necessary where Truth is concerned. 

When acceptance/willingness/openness is offered in replace of fear, in ALL its clever disguises, Truth is clearly visible in the midst of what may seem like a hopeless case. 

The only Truth is LOVE - changeless, endless, fearless and priceless. Its value can never be measured because it is not of this world and neither are we

We are ONE. A reencounter is called for here considering nothing happens by chance. What is meant to be already is and that's LOVE. 

Realize it then embody it for that is the purpose of LOVE which takes no chances, it just Knows. Peace 


Friday, October 21, 2016


It's time we (the entire human race),  remember Who we are. We remind ourselves and others on a daily basis, of who we're not but because confusion is the result of being lost to Truth and fear, always the motivating factor, the senselessness we see is merely a reflection of fear.

The lesson in each and every situation is always the same - there is nothing to fear. The words may sound familiar because they just point in the direction to where the experience is had. The experience comes only from remembering Truth

Truth is LOVE. And the Truth about Who we (the entire human race) are, is LOVE. We have forgotten that. You see, LOVE is not taught. LOVE is recognized when it sees its reflection. Only LOVE is able to recognize its reflection, primarily because LOVE is ALL there is. Secondly because everything else is fear in disguise and that explains why there is  nothing to fear.

Remember who you are, LOVE, then remind others of Who they are. This is done (effectively) by simply BEing LOVE and you'll see your reflection each and every time. Peace


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Have it your way!

The fact that we (the entire human race), are creative beings explains the historic moments in Time that reflect both the most horrific acts of violence known to man as well as the most beautiful acts of Love which by the way is always found in giving.   
Because the True essence of who we really are has been forgotten, the True meaning of giving has been misinterpreted. Unless and until we awaken to Truth, giving will continue to be approached with hesitation because ego, selfish and insecure, insists there be something to receive before giving.
When we remember who we really are, LOVE, the idea that someone can give us something will be seen for the nothingness it really is. Because LOVE is everything, there is nothing LOVE needs/wants to just be. Because LOVE is not of this world, it is  changeless, meaning  LOVE can not be taken away, broken, hurt, betrayed, etc. LOVE just gives by actions reflective of itself. 
Actions are reflective of who is guiding the mind. When ego is running the show, life is lived in fear and we see (on a daily basis) what fear looks like in action. When in fear, there is no time to think and that is precisely where error is made. Ego uses fear as a distraction from Truth, makes up another version of Truth with lies and convinces you it's there for your protection but you must never look Truth square in the face!
Unless and until we (the entire human race) are willing to look Truth square in the face, fear, in all of its impressive disguises, will continue to seem to steer us farther and farther away  from Truth. Even this is irrelevant considering what is real can not be threatened. The one answer to ALL questions, situations, concerns,  doubts,  worries, etc., is and has always been the silent voice within
One must be still in order to experience it. It has no voice and so can't be heard however the knowing that makes itself present leaves no room for question, doubt, confusion, etc. It is called  Peace. The universe works for not against us and when we remember who we really are, LOVE, giving will come freely and so will the blessings. Peace

Friday, October 14, 2016

Nothing Real Can Be Threatened

The moment Truth is forgotten, confusion comes about considering what is not True is made up which explains why it makes no sense. Because Authenticity, Transparency and Consistency come from Truth, they are often regarded as rare and so admired however because these characteristics come from Humility, there is no place for ego.
Because ego lives in the Past, from its perspective, the Future is no different from the Past which is why it offers no Hope. Hope is not found in the Past, Hope is for the Future but Real change begins in the mind. Unless and until Truth (we, the entire human race are one and the same)  is remembered for what it is, (LOVE), the senselessness - that which is taught - will continue to divide through hostility, insisting the "fight" must continue.
Truth never changes, EVER, but fear takes over when Truth is forgotten and what goes hand in hand with fear is attack. Attack is never justified, because there is never a reason for fear however whenever Truth is not recognized, fear sets in and ego takes over using attack (in any/ALL forms) as protection. Ego then justifies because ego will never admit to making a wrong choice without blaming someone/thing else first.

Truth is recognized in stillness, in awareness, in the Present moment. Ego detests the Present moment because it needs conflict and drama to maintain its existence which doesn't last in stillness and/or Present moment awareness, at least not for very long.

Choose to remember that which you already Know but just forgot, LOVE.  Only LOVE is  Real and for this reason alone, there is no need to fear. Peace


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Don't go there!!

Hostility is the result of a Past situation that did not end well, has not been forgotten and so has not been forgiven. Hostility seems to be at a higher than "normal" level these last few months and its reflection is both blind and ugly. Blind in the sense that the light of Truth (Knowledge) is absent which explains the nonsense and confusion considering what is made up in the dark (fear) is where vision is lost. Ugly in the sense that attack is seen as the only justifiable form of protection when the Truth about Who You Really are has been forgotten and ego behaves like a monster.
Intent is always behind the reason for going back to the Past because a choice must be made. When Present and awake in the moment, the reason for going back to the Past is to recall a pleasant memory, to remember valuable information and/or to learn from what that situation brought to teach so to not repeat it. When the Truth about Who You Really are is lost to you, it doesn't change because you forgot -what is Real does not change however the fact that you forgot is where the problem (fear) begins.
Fear doesn't wait for you to decide whether or not to go back to the Past. Because ego lives in Past, ego uses fear, its trusty tool, to do any/everything to drag you back to the Past and keep you in the Past. Because ego lives in the Past, it remembers every minor indiscretion done by both you and anyone else. Because ego has no loyalty, it will torture you with guilt and/or shame from what you refuse to let go of and ego will use every opportunity possible to remind you of what another did "to" you but not only you. All to start and/or maintain conflict and petty! 
Choose to remember Who You Really are (LOVE), so the Truth about why things are the way they are will shine light on what is made up and makes no sense, yet is the cause for this division and suffering. Peace is offered with LOVE and Healing is accepted the result. We need Healing - not more hostility. If you agree, please do your part and share this message. Peace


Monday, October 10, 2016

Count it ALL Joy...

Because the whole point of Life is to experience it, when this is forgotten, Suffering becomes an issue. Pain is a part of Life and when this is remembered, the opportunity to understand the reason for it becomes visible. It is only from this point that Clarity offers to do away with ALL confusion which is one of the main agents of Suffering. 

Clarity offers what brings Peace however a decision to accept must be made first or Denial will keep Fear in place. Because Fear is of Ego, the unknown (anything/one that is "different/foreign") is considered a threat. Fear never needs a reason to attack and because Fear lives in the dark (absence of light/Truth) it sees what is not there and believes that to be True. 

The key to avoid Suffering is to remember the Truth about Who You Really are. Because Pain is a part of the experience of Life here on earth, it, like everything else on earth, is temporary. Although it can not be avoided altogether,  the extent to how often it's experienced and the duration of its stay depends on the state of mind. Decisions made in Fear end in Suffering.

Decisions made from Knowledge/Truth are not bias because there is no personal gain or interest (that is Ego's department) and so brings or keeps Peace. Remember Who You Really are (LOVE), and ALL of what you've gone through will be seen as the blessings they Really are. It is only from this point will Joy be experienced (no matter how briefly). Because Joy is a state of BEing, like LOVE, count it ALL Joy because  you're still here so use your mind/energy to make it worth the journey for both you and everyone around you. Peace


Tuesday, October 4, 2016


In order to remind others of Who they Really are, I must be able to first see them as they Really are. I can only see them as they Really are by remembering Who I Really am, LOVE. Peace

Monday, October 3, 2016

REAL change begins in the mind.

The fact that we (the entire human race) are ONE and the SAME {Spirit, Energy, LOVE}, seems to be the one thing we refuse to fully accept as Truth

Evidence of this is reported on the Daily and Nightly News and more commonly broadcasted live on social media. Those representing this country, those put in place to protect their community, all the way to the core unit (family), show this fact has been forgotten. In spite of how grim the threat of how the future may look right now, it does not change that fact because facts do not change.

Fear is at its peak which explains the confusion that only intensifies hostile situations and too often ends  tragically in senselessness. Shame and Regret are often the welcoming  committee once the light of Truth shines on what Fear keeps hidden.

Because Ego can never face Truth, it uses Denial as protection against what is clearly visible. Considering Ego will never accept Truth, it makes up its own version of what Truth should besing Fear, convinces all that have forgotten Truth that ATTACK is the only form of defense which maintains the chaos and conflict witnessed today. 

In order for REAL change to take place and make a positive difference in this world, this one thing must be realized; unless and until we remember  Who we  Really are, LOVE, the madness will continue (to no end) and because it make  no sense, for no good reason

It's time to wake up! Get your mind right. Peace

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Where do we draw the line???

The moment we (the entire human race) forgot the Truth about Who we Really are was precisely the moment the door for "anything goes" flew wide open! Its because we don't remember Truth that explains the chaos and confusion swarming this country in particular. The fact that Truth does not ever change is the only guarantee for Hope (in the future).
We have lost our way but the way itself has never changed and never will because Truth is unalterable. Faith and/or Trust are not applied because Truth is not recognized for what it  Really is but "seen" rather as foreign and often times uncomfortable.  Fear is the natural state for those that are lost because whenever knowledge (Truth) is absent, confusion shows up and chaos is not far behind. Evidence of the madness is displayed on the Daily and Nightly News.
The line for mutual respect is obscure at best and downright invisible and/or nonexistent too often considering the value of Life itself is overlooked and forgotten about. There was a time when the elderly, infants and women were spared but that is a thing of the Past. We have come so far away from Truth that today, no one is exempt and everyone is seen as a potential threat. The level of hostility toward one another is fueled by fear through the media yet because misery loves company, "unplugging" seems like something imagined not realistic. Ha!
It is Time to get back to Truth and the ONE and only way to do that is to fully accept and recognize the fact that we (the entire human race) are ONE and the SAME. We are here temporarily in physical human form to experience life on earth. The expiration of the body is the end of birth, not the end of Life. We are Really LOVE in Spirit, made in His image, which never changed when we took on this human form because it is Truth, we just forgot.
The moment we wake up to Truth, the light of its Power will shine away ALL confusion and chaos eliminating the need for lines to be drawn which limit because LOVE is limitless. Peace

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

What's it gonna take?!?!?!

The fact that everything happens for a reason has yet to be fully accepted and understood because knowledge of this fact is not reflected in life (at least not as a collective force). Because knowledge is only useful when shared, it is pointless to stay quiet and look away at the injustices for the sake of "keeping the peace".

Unless and until the light of Truth (knowledge) is shed on ALL that is covered up and hidden in fear's shadows of hate, shame, guilt, etc., what seems like senselessness will only continue because the cycle of lies, confusion and corruption continue, then justified as the only way to survive.

This one reason/lesson comes in many different forms however its point is always to bring the awareness back to what really matters. This is because the essence of who we really are has been forgotten which explains the pain and suffering that hovers over this country and the world as a whole.

It is not logical to think we can restore damaged relationships,  form new ones and/or maintain current relationships with others when in fact our relationships at home are lifeless at best or in extreme cases, terminated because of lies, confusion, corruption, insecurity; all of what maintains conflict and war - division.

We need a sincere moment of clarity to ask the question "what is the reason for this?" We need a sincere moment of acceptance/willingness to receive the answer. Fear can not continue to dictate the way we see the world. We must STOP and not react (again)!

Truth comes in silence, in stillness, never in chaos and Truth brings with it Peace. We need healing. We need a rest. We need to breeeeathe. We need to wake up. We need LOVE. Peace

Monday, September 26, 2016

Live and let live.

The breath of Life is a priceless gift promised to no one, but death, on the other hand, is guaranteed to ALL. Because ALL that is born, dies, Time spent here in the physical realm passes like a blink of an eye in comparison to life outside of the physical realm where Time does not exist.   
The meaning of this gift is not valued for what it Really is because its meaning has been forgotten. Because Truth never changes, its meaning is not taught and so not learned. Only that which is made up and believed to be True, taught, to learn. Truth is Known which explains the feeling of Peace that is experienced when Truth is recognized; to identify that which is previously Known
The fact that Truth has been lost to what is believed to be True is the fundamental reason for the consistent senseless acts of violence displayed and more recently, recorded live and seen around the world seconds later. From one perspective, recording injustices (e.g., police brutality) is seen as the only "credible" witness amid further cover ups (hiding/disguising Truth). From the other, this too confirms what has been forgotten considering because of Who You are, "no weapons formed against me shall prosper". This is True although not in the literal sense, apparently, however unless and until Truth (We, the entire human race, are ONE and the SAME) is recognized and fully accepted, positive change will be something continually Hoped for the Future missing yet another opportunity to experience Peace NOW.
The essence of our being, LIFE, has no beginning and no end which means because it is not born, it does not die. Death is the end of Birth not LifeLife is eternal. Life, unlike Time is not of this world which explains why it is priceless. There is no amount of Time deemed "acceptable" as payment/punishment for taking the Life of another (whether intentional or not) for no other reason than (again), Life is eternal. That idea, placed into law, is made up by the judicial system which was established and practiced (to this day) by corruption and greed.  
Life (on earth) is an experience to be had not one to be dictated by another(s) believing he/she/they are superior/entitled, for whatever reason.  There is no reason because it is simply not True. This gift in the form of breath is temporary and will be over, in the physical realm, in no Time at all.
Choose to remember Who You Really are (LOVE) so the countless forms of Fear will be seen for what they Really are, a cry for help! Remind ALL of Who they Really are (LOVE) and the world will Know and experience Peace. Peace

Friday, September 23, 2016

Again we meet.

Here we are again, at a crossroads in time with a decision to make. The choices are always the same although one comes in many different forms and the other remains the same always.
One offers false promises, hopes and dreams that are at best, temporary, before they're realized for what they really are, nothing, and where Shame and Regret patiently await continued absent mindedness.
The other offers nothing however what's been forgotten is the fact that because of Who WE (the entire human race) Really are, there is nothing of Real value that can be offered or taken away. Unless and until this is remembered, confusion, chaos and conflict will continue to dominate and control every decision made in fear. Its worst case scenario will always end in Death.
Because Death is the end of Birth, not the end of Life, and because the physical body is not Who WE Really are, this realization and complete acceptance of this fact is where the one logical decision becomes clear. Fear has no place in what is Known considering fear is always of the unknown
Fear preys on what is kept in the dark, makes no sense, is unclear, confusing, confused and illogical yet because its reaction is always the same (attack in any form), the vicious cycle of revenge continues.
Knowledge, on the other hand, is Power because only what is True is clear which leaves no room for question, doubt, concern, worry, etc., is apparent yet not intimidating. Nothing Real can be threatened and is never threatening.  
There is a decision to make. LOVE or fear (which is really nothing) albeit its devastating results. Make the right choice so Shame and Regret will remain a thing of the Past. Peace   

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Live fearlessly not carelessly!

The moment Reality is recognized for what it really is, fear in all forms, dissipate. Confusion and doubt come only from what is made up because it makes no sense. The moment you remember Who You really are, all of what seemed impossible are laughed at once seen in the light of Truth.
The Power within is unalterable however because it's been covered up by what ego made up for its benefit (always to divide and conquer), fear sets in and stress becomes an unwelcomed guest. Because Truth has been lost to what apparently makes no sense, i.e., another young black boy shot and killed by police, life is lived in defense mode where attack is the first reaction and (from ego's perspective) the only form of "protection". 
Ego, insidious and vicious, stops at nothing  to maintain its goal of conflict and dramaNo one is exempt and anything goes, even death.  Ego takes advantage when the mind slips from its distractions of fear. At this point any/all decisions made in the state of fear will not only not be to your advantage, it will absolutely be to your regret.
Life is always and only NOW. The Past is gone and there is nothing that can be done to change it. The point/reason for the Past is to learn the lesson it came to teach. Remembering the Past is not what prevents it from happening again. Learning from the Past is what prevents it from repeating itself. Once the lesson is clearly and completely understood, Truth is once again recognized for what it really is, LOVE, and Peace is experienced as the gift LOVE gives to ALL.
Because life is NOW, Hope for the Future is pointless unless and until change in the mind NOW reflects Truth (LOVE). Because the body displays what the mind projects, nothing changes unless and until the light of Truth is accepted as the only way to real change.
Fear keeps covered all that is kept in the dark where confusion and discord rule and the results are detrimental. Open your Spiritual eye so what ego keeps hidden will be seen for what they really are, nothing. And the fact the all of what you could ever want and/or need is already within will be what it takes to remind You to live fearlessly in LOVE for that is the only way to Peace. Peace

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

STOP letting fear dictate what you do!

Fear imposes itself at the precise moment you forget Who You are. From that point on, fear plays a major role (if not the main character) in life simply because Truth has been lost to what is made up, makes no sense, yet believed to be True. This explains why attack in any form, is fear's first reaction.
Unless and until the Truth of Who You are is first recognized then fully accepted, fear will continue to have some say in every decision made. A quiet/still moment, a couple of deep cleansing breaths at the very least, is how Clarity is experienced and the right answer(s) made available. Decisions made with Clarity leave no questions and/or doubt because there is a Knowing that comes from Clarity that can not be described, only experienced. Clarity comes from Truth which is not of this world and that is why it can not be described - there is nothing on earth like it!

Because ego rules the world with fear, the One answer to ALL questions, concerns, worry, expectations, etc., is too often inaccessible because fear, disguised in life situations, is the distraction. Decisions made in fear will always result in regret specifically because where there is darkness (lack of knowledge), there is confusion and doubt. Decisions made in the absence of Truth are always made clear once the light of Truth shines through ALL of what seemed, in the dark, to be an insurmountable task(s).

Because ego lives in the Past, it never forgets and demands you don't either! Because ego can not exist in the Present moment, at least not for very long, it uses fear as its one and only tool to project the Future as something to constantly worry about. You have forgotten Who's You are and that is how ego uses your Power to its advantage, never yours or anyone's for that matter. Ego is on borrowed Time and would never waste any of it on a moment in search of Clarity for that would mean a failed mission. Please know, ego is selfish at best and savage at its worst - the evidence is seen live on TV, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Remember Who You Really are, a PERFECT creation of LOVE. It is only by recognizing and fully accepting this fact that you will not only value and appreciate yourself for Who's You are,  but You will be able to clearly see fear for what it is Really is, nothing. It is when LOVE (only) is the guiding force that every decision made will result in Peace (of mind) . Peace