Friday, October 14, 2016

Nothing Real Can Be Threatened

The moment Truth is forgotten, confusion comes about considering what is not True is made up which explains why it makes no sense. Because Authenticity, Transparency and Consistency come from Truth, they are often regarded as rare and so admired however because these characteristics come from Humility, there is no place for ego.
Because ego lives in the Past, from its perspective, the Future is no different from the Past which is why it offers no Hope. Hope is not found in the Past, Hope is for the Future but Real change begins in the mind. Unless and until Truth (we, the entire human race are one and the same)  is remembered for what it is, (LOVE), the senselessness - that which is taught - will continue to divide through hostility, insisting the "fight" must continue.
Truth never changes, EVER, but fear takes over when Truth is forgotten and what goes hand in hand with fear is attack. Attack is never justified, because there is never a reason for fear however whenever Truth is not recognized, fear sets in and ego takes over using attack (in any/ALL forms) as protection. Ego then justifies because ego will never admit to making a wrong choice without blaming someone/thing else first.

Truth is recognized in stillness, in awareness, in the Present moment. Ego detests the Present moment because it needs conflict and drama to maintain its existence which doesn't last in stillness and/or Present moment awareness, at least not for very long.

Choose to remember that which you already Know but just forgot, LOVE.  Only LOVE is  Real and for this reason alone, there is no need to fear. Peace


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