Monday, October 3, 2016

REAL change begins in the mind.

The fact that we (the entire human race) are ONE and the SAME {Spirit, Energy, LOVE}, seems to be the one thing we refuse to fully accept as Truth

Evidence of this is reported on the Daily and Nightly News and more commonly broadcasted live on social media. Those representing this country, those put in place to protect their community, all the way to the core unit (family), show this fact has been forgotten. In spite of how grim the threat of how the future may look right now, it does not change that fact because facts do not change.

Fear is at its peak which explains the confusion that only intensifies hostile situations and too often ends  tragically in senselessness. Shame and Regret are often the welcoming  committee once the light of Truth shines on what Fear keeps hidden.

Because Ego can never face Truth, it uses Denial as protection against what is clearly visible. Considering Ego will never accept Truth, it makes up its own version of what Truth should besing Fear, convinces all that have forgotten Truth that ATTACK is the only form of defense which maintains the chaos and conflict witnessed today. 

In order for REAL change to take place and make a positive difference in this world, this one thing must be realized; unless and until we remember  Who we  Really are, LOVE, the madness will continue (to no end) and because it make  no sense, for no good reason

It's time to wake up! Get your mind right. Peace

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