Monday, October 10, 2016

Count it ALL Joy...

Because the whole point of Life is to experience it, when this is forgotten, Suffering becomes an issue. Pain is a part of Life and when this is remembered, the opportunity to understand the reason for it becomes visible. It is only from this point that Clarity offers to do away with ALL confusion which is one of the main agents of Suffering. 

Clarity offers what brings Peace however a decision to accept must be made first or Denial will keep Fear in place. Because Fear is of Ego, the unknown (anything/one that is "different/foreign") is considered a threat. Fear never needs a reason to attack and because Fear lives in the dark (absence of light/Truth) it sees what is not there and believes that to be True. 

The key to avoid Suffering is to remember the Truth about Who You Really are. Because Pain is a part of the experience of Life here on earth, it, like everything else on earth, is temporary. Although it can not be avoided altogether,  the extent to how often it's experienced and the duration of its stay depends on the state of mind. Decisions made in Fear end in Suffering.

Decisions made from Knowledge/Truth are not bias because there is no personal gain or interest (that is Ego's department) and so brings or keeps Peace. Remember Who You Really are (LOVE), and ALL of what you've gone through will be seen as the blessings they Really are. It is only from this point will Joy be experienced (no matter how briefly). Because Joy is a state of BEing, like LOVE, count it ALL Joy because  you're still here so use your mind/energy to make it worth the journey for both you and everyone around you. Peace


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