Monday, November 14, 2016


In moments of confusion and chaos, despair is often the experience many foresee when fear is running the show. When in the state of fear, problems are the focus which is why the solution is not found. Conflict then becomes an issue, first, within yourself then with any/everyone that does not share your views. 
Fear will never see things clearly and/or rationally because its perspective is blurred with what is made up and not Real yet believed to be True. That which is made up changes over time because it has no fortitude. What is not Real can not stay hidden in the dark forever considering what is not Real does not exist. Suffering will cease the moment we (the entire human race) recognize this fact by remembering the light of Truth that is always within. 
This Truth is called LOVE. When life seems like it's about to bottom out on you, GET A GRIP! Realize the Truth in You which can only be accessed through total awareness. One of the most effective methods of reaching this point of total awareness is by taking slow deep cleansing breaths. To be aware of your breathing takes your attention which is needed  to bring You back to what matters (NOW).
"Letting go of inner resistance, you often find circumstances change for the better." Eckhart Tolle Fear resists what is because it finds Truth too painful to accept.  Denial is the culprit behind suffering which is always the result of refusing to accept what is. Please know, acceptance is the first step toward Truth, it is not the final step. Peace (of mind) is the end result of facing fear and accepting Truth  for what it Really is and  no longer what fear tricked you into believing it is.
Here is the one Truth that WE ALL can depend on, LOVE. As fear grips, trapping its victims in a prison of torment, LOVE offers itself as the only grip that provides Clarity, Stability, Harmony, Joy and Peace. All it takes is the willingness to focus on a what it is we want to see in this world. If its Peace on earth, LOVE is the only thing that will get us there! Peace

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