Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Because you have forgotten who you are, you've been convinced, by Ego, that you're powerless and so need Ego's proctection. REALLY?!? Because you've forgotten Who God is (LOVE,) you believe Ego's version of love which includes conditions, "for your protection!" 

LOVE has no conditions, it is what it is. God has no conditions "come to Me, ALL you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." You see, there is no need for protection because LOVE doesn't hurt, that belief is just another one of Ego's tricks to keep you from God Who is LOVE. Remember, Ego's ultimate goal is seperation through conflict and drama which ensures its existence where Peace brings unity (One) which is only of God and Ego can't have that!

Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of Who is always in control and you will see, with God (LOVE,) conditions do not apply because conditions are to "protect" you from what Ego made up yet makes no sense at all. With God on the other hand, Ego's protection is a joke! God/LOVE never changes so don't believe the hype that LOVE hurts! Conditions are the problem, for they create and maintain conflict, drama and separation. Choose LOVE, it's the answer to every question! Peace

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