Sunday, July 26, 2015


Peace is known only by experience and so one has to be Peace in order to experience it. Peace, the absence of mental stress or anxiety, can not be bought at a price, because Peace (of mind) is priceless! What has yet to be understood is, because Peace is a gift from God for the mind, it, Peace, is priceless and so is Life. What is of God can not be bought at a price and all the money in the world wouldn't even come close!

Contrary to what many believe, it's the mind that controls the body, of which is unfunctional on its own, without the brain; not the other way around. "Well," you might say, "what about if/when someone is fighting a cold (that has gone on for weeks!) aren't they more susceptible to fall into a depression? Or "what about those that have lost a limb (either in an accident or to survive and/or save a life?") "Is it not the change in the condition of the body that affects the mind?" The answer is an absolute, No. It's the thoughts about the condition of the body that effects the mind. This explains "be careful what you think because your thoughts run your life." (Proverbs 4:23)

Because you have forgotten who you are, a Spiritual/formless being, briefly occupying a temporary physical body (form,) you believe you are your body. This very way of thinking is the underlying  cause of all the hate, hurt, anger, fear shown every evening on the news. You've forgotten that Peace can only be experienced in the Present moment considering Peace is a state of being. Because Peace is of the mind (thoughts,) they either free or imprison the mind. Choose to be the Peace you pray every day and night for! How? By not giving anymore energy to the already negative and toxic  energy that seems to be suffocating the human population.

Western Society, in particular, is lost in believing how one looks (on the outside) is what matters and yes, that too explains "stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly." (John 7:24) The correct way to judge is to not judge at all but give all doubts, questions, fears, concerns, worries, etc., over to the Holy Spirit, by being still, for only then will the answer be correct and given freely. The answer is always the same. It always was and it will always be. The answer is always Love.

Until it is recognized and understood that we, the human race, are not the body, what we look like, and/or seem to be (different from one another by either race, religion, political party, sexual preference, gender, age, etc.,) Pain and Suffering are to be expected because our origin is the same (Human) and that too will never change.  Do not let thoughts cost you what no money in the world can buy and that which you are born with and no one can take from you. Peace

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Blind Faith

Imagine a blind man walking across a busy intersection with just his walking stick guiding him. It's apparent that Faith (surrender to what will be,) is what allows the first step off the curb. To live by or in Faith is to not worry about what hasn't yet happened but know rather, because of Who (alone) holds the Future and Who alone is in control (uh...nope, it's not you!) there is nothing to fear or worry about! 

Faith is the substance of things Hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (with the naked eye.) Meaning because Hope is for the Future and the Future is in God's hands, Faith is knowing it (no matter what it is,) will work out as an advantage. Romans 8:28 "And we know that ALL things work together for good, to them that are called according to His purpose." Because God is the creator of ALL, everything and everyone has a purpose/reason. When left in His care (through FAITH,) not needing to know how it's going to work out, you will be blessed with Peace.  Peace is the answer to ALL worries, fears, anxiety, etc., about the how's and all of what else you're not in control of.

Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you the Present moment is the only Time one ever really has, for no one is guaranteed tomorrow because tomorrow doesn't exist. God holds the Future and for that reason alone, there ought to be no questions! Live by FAITH not by sight. Turn a blind to all of the "BS"  and refocus your attention on the Present moment by being still and only there will you experience all of what you've been asking for yet had within all along. It's God's gift to man and it's called Peace. Peace

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Where the "Magic" happens!

Magic - an illusion. Life - Real.

Because you don't remember Who You  are, Ego has taken over and made up a whole different belief system (out of Fear) which explains the state of this country and yes, even the world at large! All because you do not remember Who You are. The moment you do is when Life will begin to unfold into how it is destined (yes, by God,) to be.

Once you come to the realization of Who You are, by letting go of ties (thoughts) that bind you to the Past, a space has been made for the Holy Spirit to show you all of what you were holding on to was dead weight! Dead because the Past is no longer and so what you're holding on to is nothing. The ironic piece is, this dead weight will be the price you'll pay if you continue to carry it around morning, noon and night, as too many do for way too long. Please do not continue to believe people and/or circumstances have the Power to hold you down or keep you back. When you remember Who's You are, you'll understand why not!

Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of Who holds the future and instantly you will experience a sense of Peace, even if only for a brief moment. Truth has a way of doing that. Ego, on the other hand, operates from Fear and this is the reason it says "use your eyes, don't you see what happening around you?!?" What other need would there for the counsel "live by Faith NOT by sight" if it not for the sole purpose to remove Fear?

When you remember Who You are by remembering Who God is, is when Peace, beyond understanding is experienced. This is where the "Magic" happens because there is nothing like it and so it can't be reproduced!!! There is nothing you have to do but move yourself out of the way and just Be! The "Magic" (LOVE) is in Being Human. Peace 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Got questions???

Questions are asked to get an answer which provides the information that is lacking. Because you don't remember Who You are, questions are what your mind is filled with. Because you don't remember Who God is, you spend your whole life searching for answers. 

Because ALL knowledge is and of God (Omniscient - all knowing, all wise, all seeing,) it's important to know there are no questions in God. This explains why one never has to worry about what the outcome of circumstances will be because when placed in His care, by being Present, and left there, by staying Present, is only where the True answer is, not found, but experienced!

There are no questions in God however in God is where ALL questions are answered! Allow the Holy Spirit to remind You of Who is always in control, shocker! it's not you. For its at this point, you will come to realize the questions that keep you up and night, tormented by worry and  anxiety, and gnaw at you all day, is really Ego's way of needing to make up the answers as it goes along because Ego is all confusion and chaos. Ego is on borrowed time and is not concerned with logic/knowledge. 

Knowledge is God, so when seem to lack it, don't go looking for it because it's not something you  search for in hopes of finding it. You are made perfect in His image meaning, look inside yourself, by being Present and it's there, in the stillness of Peace, is where the answer is and will always be, LOVE. Peace

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Because you have forgotten who you are, you've been convinced, by Ego, that you're powerless and so need Ego's proctection. REALLY?!? Because you've forgotten Who God is (LOVE,) you believe Ego's version of love which includes conditions, "for your protection!" 

LOVE has no conditions, it is what it is. God has no conditions "come to Me, ALL you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." You see, there is no need for protection because LOVE doesn't hurt, that belief is just another one of Ego's tricks to keep you from God Who is LOVE. Remember, Ego's ultimate goal is seperation through conflict and drama which ensures its existence where Peace brings unity (One) which is only of God and Ego can't have that!

Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of Who is always in control and you will see, with God (LOVE,) conditions do not apply because conditions are to "protect" you from what Ego made up yet makes no sense at all. With God on the other hand, Ego's protection is a joke! God/LOVE never changes so don't believe the hype that LOVE hurts! Conditions are the problem, for they create and maintain conflict, drama and separation. Choose LOVE, it's the answer to every question! Peace

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


If you remembered who you are, you would never compromise for instant gratification what can't  be bought at/for a price. If you remembered Who God is, you would know there are no compromises and/or negotiations to concern yourself with because there are no such thing in the Holy realm. Compromises and negotiations are necessary only in the world of form (physical) because Ego has convinced you to look out for yourself first because no one else will. What a crock of Sugah Honey Iced Tea!!!

Please know, it's only in changing your perspective from that of Ego's domain of Fear where Scarcity and Lack reside to that of the Holy Spirit's domain of Peace where Love and Joy reside that you'll experience Life at its highest/purest level!

Practice Humility, thinking of yourself less (rather than first) and you'll see compromises and negotiations will be depended upon by you less and less stretching your moments of Peace to be endured longer. Try it! Peace

Friday, July 10, 2015


Prisoners of mental slavery live in a world of scarcity and lack. They believe one must lose something to gain something which explains the "what's in it for me?" reaction  when asked to give or do something for an other(s.)  

Because Ego is concerned with none other than maintaining its own existence (using Fear to cause and maintain  conflict and drama) Ego has convinced you it's there to protect and defend you, when in fact, that's quite the contrary! Because Ego needs Time to exist (it can not exist for very long, if at all, in the Present moment/the Now,) it refuses to allow you to forget the Past and convinced you, because of the Past, the Future will not only not get better, it will get worse! (Fear)

Because you have forgotten Who's you are (God's creation, made perfectly in His Image) you really believe  "you can't afford this/that" and all the other "stuff" Ego made up yet you accept as truth. Sad.
You begin to negotiate when it comes to giving (your Time, Money, Service, etc.) because Ego convinced you to "lookout" for yourself first. You've forgotten that blessings come, abundantly, when you put others first (humility.) 

Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of who you are so the light, that has never left you, no matter how dim, will once again shine through you. For this light, the Present moment, is where incentives are seen for what they are, positive motivational influences, nothing more and nothing less. When you're ready to experience Life on a deeper level, please know you already have (within) all you'll ever need in Life therefore incentives best benefit those that do not remember that!

When you put others first, you never need motivation because Ego is not part of the equation and it's from this point "miracles," "coincidences," "luck," "answered prayers"  and other inexplicable things happen!  Peace

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Form...and the misconception of it!

Because you have forgotten who you are, you have become of this world (form.) You believe what you see with your physical eyes which is how Ego tricks you into reacting. Because you have forgotten everything on Earth is transient, lasting only a short time, Pain and Suffering come into play. "This too shall pass" means just that however there is a deeper (Peaceful) level that is worth all the Pain and Suffering in the world. What must be understood is Pain and Suffering is not an absolute must to experience this level of depth. 

Ego's main objective is to exist so anything goes! Nothing and no one is spared which explains the state of our "union" (coming together.) Ego needs Time in order to exist, which explains why how you've been tricked (again) into believing it's by not forgetting the Past that will keep you from Pain and Suffering. On the contrary, it's not letting go of the Past, which by the way is already gone so you're really holding on to nothing, but Pain and Suffering, that is the problem. 

Choose rather to accept the Present moment as it is, no matter how difficult and/or uncomfortable, because it is what it is and because everything on Earth is transient, This too shall pass! It's only at the point of complete acceptance is one able accept Peace for you'll never find Peace living in the Past. You don't have to agree with reality because it is what it is regardless of how you feel and/or think about it. You see, that is partially where the problem lies, when your opinion and/or beliefs are put into play. It's by accepting what is that unlocks and releases you from the prison in the mind of all that is made up to be true. Depend on the Holy Spirit for its interpretation and guidance and that is precisely when all Pain and Suffering ceases (acceptance of what is.) 

Besides the Past, Ego has you constantly worried and fearful of what the Future looks like primarily because you have forgotten Who's are. Please remember Life is an energy force so whatever feeling you're having, it multiplies depending on its level of intensity. This explains why the same horrible story is repeated on the News Channels from morning until nights for days, sometime weeks at a time! Fear is of Ego and because with Ego, anything goes, war is its ultimate goal! The ironic thing though is there is never a winner of war but who lost the least (and over what?!?)

Nothing on earth is worth taking or "sacrificing"  a Life. Life is God's creation and no one but God knows the expiration date from the physical body. You see, the opposite of Life is not Death. Birth is the opposite of Death. Form - transient, lasting only a short time; Formless - Life, Eternal! Peace